World show question

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New Member
Oct 2, 2007
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We went to watch our first world show, at least part of it, and were wondering:

Why a veterinarian was used to measure the horses....

Also, why do the kids who drive splits not get anything for being top 8 in class of over 20

And why were adults in the youth liberty with children obviously over 7...( I understand with the little ones or S/N)

Thanks for your help
I don't really know the answers, but I'll bump this back up so others can comment, and I'll give a guess on some of them.

1. Vet measuring... probably just a conicidence. It isn't required to be a vet, they aren't any more qualified to measure than someone else. There is a correct way to measure and as far as I know, anyone who has been trained and is picked by show management can do the measuring.

2. A 'split' is not a 'class', in and of itself, therefore there is no placing on the 'split'. You don't win an actual placing until you compete against all the 'finalist' horses.

3. I don't have a clue on that one. Have you tried looking in the rule book to see if it is allowed?
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Diane is not a vet, and she is the measurer for the show. She is also the person who teaches the certified measurer course and does a darn good job.

Youth liberty is a brand new class and is not a point class in the rulebook. The adults did not handle the horses, only assisted in keeping the horse going and catching, so why not?
Thanks for the replies, next year will be my first showing amha (we hope) along with my 14 yo daughter; we were trying to walk around and be sponges

Have 2 gb card full of pics of stalls, horses and classes :lol:

I know the friend who got us hooked on minis got a ribbon at AMHR for making the split in a class of 56 ( I think it just said qualifier or something like like no placement)

When we were at the measuring stand, there were lots of people there, the man beside us said a vet was checking the horses and another person measuring - looked real complicated - not like anything I'd seen at (all 2) amha shows we had been to previously - probably should have asked there but everyone seemed so intense
: I know how "focused" some people get and didn't want to be a bother...

I was just surprised how much the parents (?trainers) were allowed to help in liberty but I didn't know it was not rated...I know they gave out lots of awards for the kids though!
: I saw in the program it was new.

I just dont want to look too dumb next year!! :bgrin
I hear the measuring this year was EXTRA intense.....above and beyond the norm I would bet....
Yes, the measuring has been very intense this year.

As for a ribbon for making the split, that would be nice, but would add time and cost to classes, thus increased entry fees..... I don't think people would want either to happen.

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