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  1. R

    "Miniture" Breeding Stock

    LisaF - I sold the mare to the people as a pet for their little girls. They knew her exact height, and that her AMHA papers did not go with her. She went to a non-breeding home. What I did not do is return the papers to the registry. I just kept them, and never transferred her with AMHA to...
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    "Miniture" Breeding Stock

    Dreaminmini - I didn't take anything you said personally. Yes, it is true that a horse is more likely to take after its heritage, as far as size and other attributes are concerned. In order to do selective breeding, including breeding for a certain height, you need to KNOW the TRUE heights of...
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    "Miniture" Breeding Stock

    I have a 35" AMHA mare in my pasture, and she has been producing registered AMHA foals for me. ! ! ! ! GASP ! ! ! ! OK, now that you have had time to think what a terrible cheater I am, or that I have no integrity, or any other number of terrible things. My mare is 29 years old, and is a...
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    Why wouldn't this ONE wicket work?

    Just another idea for a laser measurer, if there are any engineers out there. What about two lasers on each end of a 24" crossbar? The two lasers on the ends would be pointed downward, and determine the distance to the ground. (Lasers are used for measuring distances across a room, etc., but...
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    Idea for 'Interim' Internet Voting…

    Mona's post got me to thinking too... Maybe it could be that a person had to 'register' to participate on the Discussion/Voting Forum using their Membership number. But, they could not actually log on until the Association sent them a unique password. The password would only be sent to the...
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    Idea for 'Interim' Internet Voting…

    More thoughts... Maybe there would be a way to have the dicussion format set up, one topic for each Proposal, and have it available BEFORE the poll was activated for each Proposal. That way, there would be a discussion time, before the people did the actual voting. That would actually be...
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    Idea for 'Interim' Internet Voting…

    JMS Miniature's and McBunz responses triggered another idea... If it could be set up similar to what we have here on Lil Beginnings, each 'Proposal' could be its own 'topic' with a poll. The poll could be set up with a 'YES' - For the Proposal, followed by a place to show your Region. Or a...
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    A color Question

    Joylee123 - This is not directed at you, but at everyone in general. I would never advertise a horse as 'homozygous' based purely on the fact a horse has had 'only' pinto offspring when it is possible to do a genetic test and verify the fact. As I said before, a small sized sample of offspring...
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    A color Question

    Yes, they can still be homozygous for tobiano and have foals that show on the Studbook at 'solid'. As you indicated, the horses registered as 'solid', may have sock or stocking, and they may actual be genetic tobianos. A horse can be tobiano but have such minimal white that a person does not...
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    Idea for 'Interim' Internet Voting…

    This is just a ‘brainstorming’ idea that came to me this morning. It is not at all thought through, but maybe it will be a spark to ignite someone else’s thought process… What if AMHA (or AMHR) were to set up a non-binding type of internet voting process that was put in place where members...
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    The Problem with Measuring

    I just wanted to post again to reiterate that I am OPPOSED to ANY lax measuring, and that I believe it is EVERYONE'S responsibility to speak out against (and do something about) any violations of the 'rules', whether it pertains to measuring or any other Rule, Regulation, or By-Law. My posts...
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    The Problem with Measuring

    While looking in the AMHR Rulebook, I found this: G. The Steward hired to measure animals at the competition is responsible for their true measurement and the Steward may be subject to penalty if it is determined that a measurement is incorrect. This speaks to what some people have...
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    A poll...

    Yes, I've had them be very different from what I was expecting. Some have been taller, some shorter, but in either case, it was a problem for me, and the horses no longer fit my plans for them, and ended up being sold because of it. One time, I bought a 'matched' team. They were supposed to...
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    The Problem with Measuring

    McBunz - The Show Management is usually just 'regular' members of a local club, like you and I. They are people who are willing to be on a 'show committe', when no one else is willing to put forth the time or effort. They are not some kind of 'cheaters' who are wanting to do something 'wrong'...
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    The Problem with Measuring

    I think that the 'accuracy' of the measuring is as much (or more) related to the 'mindset' of the Show Management as it is the 'honesty' or 'compentency' of the person doing the measuring. The Measurer may get more pressure from Show Management for everyones' horse to measure 'in', than they...
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    The Problem with Measuring

    Edited... replied to the wrong thread. This has been moved to the 'Concerning Ed Sisk Post' thread.
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    Photos, designs, and advice for mini jumps needed.

    Just a couple of points about the PVC jumps, as shown, and as Reignmaker is suggesting. The jump cups shown may be too deep for the poles. If the cups are too deep, the poles will not knock out of the cups easily enough if hit. If they are too deep, the only way to knock the poles down is to...
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    I am on the fence about whether it is appropriate to allow the 1/4" leeway for the different height divisions. I can see both sides of that issue. But, I am adamently opposed to allowing a horse to be 34 1/4" tall, even for a height protest. There is a difference between a horse that measures...
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    Could things get worse for lil Marshmellow!

    I just wanted to add one more quick body condition 'link'. It doesn't have photos, but it is pretty short and concise, so would be good to print off and take with you as a reference (or give to the AG guy or the news media). Body Condition Evaluation
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    Could things get worse for lil Marshmellow!

    This is a great article with information from UC Davis Vet School, about re-feeding a starved horse. Nutrition for Rehabilitating the Starved Horse It contains a photo of a horse with a score of '3', which is WAY fatter than Marshmellow!