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  1. R

    In my opinion MONEY The real reason for the new measuring change

    I'm sorry, but I can not agree that since the 'base of the withers' is a bone, that it is therefore a 'better' place to measure. First off, WHERE is the base of the withers? Which vertebrae are you using as the 'base'? How did you determine which bone was the correct one? How can you be sure...
  2. R

    Rules Committe Meeting Minutes

    There are three 'Rules' committees. One is the By-Laws, one is the 'Rules and Regulations', and the other is the 'Show Rules'. Each has a different method of operation. Show Rules members are voted on, the other committees are made of volunteers. The By-Laws Committe doesn't get to 'choose'...
  3. R

    Rules Committe Meeting Minutes

    It was a By-Law change to measure at the base of the withers. The By-Law Committee did not take internal votes of whether to 'pass' or 'fail' a Proposal to decide whether it was brought to the Membership at the Annual Meeting. Our job was to make sure the proposals, as submitted, were clear...
  4. R

    Halter Obstacle Show People Question

    On any pivot, front or rear, the correct foot to plant is the one on the 'inside' of the turn. So, in your scenario, the horse is actually doing a Left-hand Turn on the Forehand (his hindquarters will be moving to the right, but his head will be moving to the left), with his left front foot as...
  5. R

    Where Did We, as Breeders, Go Wrong? Or, Did We?

    I have heard several people say that the rule change to measure at the 'base of the withers' was needed so we could have better/more driving horses. Since when did the objective of AMHA breeders change? When did we go from trying to raise smaller perfect horses to trying to raise driving...
  6. R

    My take on the height situation..

    You left off C: Measure at the heighest point of the wither and then pick a date that all horses born before that date are 'grandfathered'. If they measure 'over' at the top of the withers, but still measure 34" or less at the last hair, they would be OK. Example, and what I have proposed...
  7. R

    How an AMHA By-Law Can be Changed

    I don't know if the Board has to have a face-to-face, or if they have to wait until the June meeting. I believe they over-ruled the 'protest' rule at an October meeting. I don't 'think'? that was a face to face, but I don't know for certain.
  8. R

    How an AMHA By-Law Can be Changed

    I believe that the Board of Directors can change or repeal a by-law, but if they don't, there are ways for the membership to call a Special meeting to hold a vote to change by-laws. We don't have to wait until the Annual meeting. There are two ways to get a Special Meeting called, one is for a...
  9. R

    AMHA is CLosing Their Books!! As well as a new Height rule change!!

    For a little more insight, please read the topic I started. "Personal Insight on New Hardship and Measuring Place" I was at the meeting and I was on the By-Laws committee. I was the one who proposed the rule change to measure at the heighest point of the withers. I stood up to speak against...
  10. R

    Miniature Horse vs Pony

    I think that to some extent, I would have to disagree that a 'breed' is all about having a certain 'type'. No one would argue that Quarter Horses are not a Breed, but if you look at modern Quarter Horses you see all kinds of 'type'. The halter horses look nothing like their winning hunter...
  11. R

    Interesting sets of Measurements

    I think Meadowinds last sentence is the heart of the problem, "I think we could easily have measured lower on some horses and still fit the description "base of the mane"." Meadowind has a great deal of experience, but even they do not appear to know exactly what spot they are supposed to be...
  12. R

    Personal Insight on New Hardship and Measuring Place

    If someone is going to cheat, where you take the measurement makes no difference, none. Cheaters will do what they are going to do in order to get the results they want. Their tactics might have to change some, depending on where the spot is, but this 'base' measurement will not change any of...
  13. R

    AMHA is CLosing Their Books!! As well as a new Height rule change!!

    The vote to only register horses with parents in North America had to do with the current HARDSHIP rule, not with regular registrations, and it does not prevent hardshipping of horses in any country if the foal can be parent qualified as an offspring of two already registered AMHA parents.
  14. R

    Personal Insight on New Hardship and Measuring Place

    I am at the AMHA meeting and on the committees that were part of the preparation of these proposed rules. The rule for closing the registry was proposed so that we could take the FIRST step in becoming a true breed. In its original form, the person had initially considered a date of 2009, as...
  15. R

    Overseas sales

    Actually R3 you are incorrect. AMHR has developed a place for those horses that go over the 38 in mini height as well as the pony height. Seeing as they are looking for a place for all small equine horses currently under the umbrella of their registry and don't want to lose them they developed...
  16. R

    Overseas sales

    If you are truly interested in keeping things positive and are stating, "Let's not diminish that fact with all this other stuff." why did you feel the need to add the next section to your post (the part I have bolded and underlined)? In regard to the part of the quote above that I have...
  17. R

    What am I?

    All Frame patterned horses carry the LWO gene and will test positive for LWO. So, if a person wants to produce the beautiful Frame pattern, they need the gene in their breeding stock. The Frame gene by itself may not be recognizably displayed, and it can be combined with any other pinto or...
  18. R

    AMHA Annual Meeting

    I forgot to put some additional information. I will be arriving on Wednesday evening, and departing on Sunday morning, so will need a room for Wed, Thurs, Fri, and Sat nights. Since I'm flying, I won't have a car, so will either need to be in the host hotel, or have a roomie that is willing to...
  19. R

    AMHA Annual Meeting

    I finally booked my flight for the AMHA meeting, but I don't have any room reservations yet. Is there anyone looking to share the costs of a hotel room? I'm a non-smoker. If you might want to have a roomate, please contact me. [email protected] Thanks, Julie Miller Fletcher, OK