*In my opinion* The original method of method of measurement of the last hairs of the mane, was meant to give every, well, inch possible to allow horses to be measured in as a mini.
Again, in my opinion, the idea of measuring at the withers (like the rest of the normal equine world) is unattractive to AMHA and AMHR, because it will mean one of two things.
A-changing the maximum allowed AMHA height to 36" to allow for horses that previously measured under height, but now would not to be "grandfathered" in or to be eligible to be shown/bred. AMHR would also face the same challenges, raising the height to about 40".
B-NOT changing the height, effectively eliminating SIGINIFICANT percentage of future stock that *would* have measured under 34" or 38". Do we renew AMHA's old "Foundation Oversize" broodstock program, which has now been almost completely eliminated?
ANY CHANGE is the method of measurement, including the INSANE one just approved by AMHA is a nightmare in the making either way, for horses already registered and for future stock. Who's in and who's out? Are horses who went over their papers when measured at the last hairs of the mane, but will measure in at the withers "dip" to be allowed to regain their papers? Who decides that and then regulates it?
The new "dip" program is a band-aid on a serious wound in my opinion and will only cause more confusion.
My opinion-
Horses are horses and should be measured as such, at the withers.
Both associations should raise their height allowance by 2" to allow for a difference in MEASURED height.
Any horse with proven registered parentage (presumably by DNA) that falls under the new height guidelines is eligible for registration (or to be made permanent if on expired Temp. papers). Eliminate "over and under" horses and show horses in properly divided height groups.
For measurement, set up a square arch at each height division increment and if the horse's withers hit it when it is pushed over the withers or the horse walks under it, it's too tall, period, end of story!
Do I think most people would have an absolute fit at my ideas?
AMHR, by having official show stewards does have a few more failsafes when measuring at shows. Is it foolproof and are all stewards completely honest people? Of course not, but the majority *ARE* and I know some AWESOME, honorable stewards! It's the minority that creates the problems.
Are there very obviously overheight horses being shown? Absolutely, it's a serious issue! Until handlers, owners and the person HOLDING THE MEASURING STICK are held severely to account for intentionally showing an oversize animal or falsifying a measurement, it will continue.
This whole new proposed system of measurement for AMHA makes me think they just started shoveling and that they better stop digging before they bury themselves
It's just my opinion folks, lets hear yours
Again, in my opinion, the idea of measuring at the withers (like the rest of the normal equine world) is unattractive to AMHA and AMHR, because it will mean one of two things.
A-changing the maximum allowed AMHA height to 36" to allow for horses that previously measured under height, but now would not to be "grandfathered" in or to be eligible to be shown/bred. AMHR would also face the same challenges, raising the height to about 40".
B-NOT changing the height, effectively eliminating SIGINIFICANT percentage of future stock that *would* have measured under 34" or 38". Do we renew AMHA's old "Foundation Oversize" broodstock program, which has now been almost completely eliminated?
ANY CHANGE is the method of measurement, including the INSANE one just approved by AMHA is a nightmare in the making either way, for horses already registered and for future stock. Who's in and who's out? Are horses who went over their papers when measured at the last hairs of the mane, but will measure in at the withers "dip" to be allowed to regain their papers? Who decides that and then regulates it?
The new "dip" program is a band-aid on a serious wound in my opinion and will only cause more confusion.
My opinion-
Horses are horses and should be measured as such, at the withers.
Both associations should raise their height allowance by 2" to allow for a difference in MEASURED height.
Any horse with proven registered parentage (presumably by DNA) that falls under the new height guidelines is eligible for registration (or to be made permanent if on expired Temp. papers). Eliminate "over and under" horses and show horses in properly divided height groups.
For measurement, set up a square arch at each height division increment and if the horse's withers hit it when it is pushed over the withers or the horse walks under it, it's too tall, period, end of story!
Do I think most people would have an absolute fit at my ideas?

AMHR, by having official show stewards does have a few more failsafes when measuring at shows. Is it foolproof and are all stewards completely honest people? Of course not, but the majority *ARE* and I know some AWESOME, honorable stewards! It's the minority that creates the problems.
Are there very obviously overheight horses being shown? Absolutely, it's a serious issue! Until handlers, owners and the person HOLDING THE MEASURING STICK are held severely to account for intentionally showing an oversize animal or falsifying a measurement, it will continue.
This whole new proposed system of measurement for AMHA makes me think they just started shoveling and that they better stop digging before they bury themselves

It's just my opinion folks, lets hear yours

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