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    Attention Members of the ASPC/AMHR Registry

    Thanks for the reminder Karen.
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    2009 Daffodil Dandy

    Congratulations folks -- sounds like you had another GREAT show !!
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    Stolen shetland Mares

    Wow -- sure hope you get them back Belinda. Please keep us posted. !!
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    tail rubbing

    A mixture 1/2to 1/2 of Listerine & baby Oil simetimes seems to help stop the itching as well. Also make s the tail glisten & gleam as well.
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    AMHR Chariot class?

    We have one of the class John was in at Nationals but none on the internet that I know of.
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    Amber Kildow-Montgomery clinic in Ontario

    What packages did member of MHCO get along with registration forms?? never got anything of the sort here.
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    Horse Sold as AMHR/AMHA pending

    We bought a filly once (weanling ) at a sale with papers pending-- application papers for both AMHA & AMHR were provided at the auction -- signed by the seller-- turned out neither were any good -- AMHA - the stallion had never been brought permanent -- which meant that AMHA figured that the...
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    How many have that one horse that ...

    Well, you know who mine is -- Boones Little Buckeroo Charmer -- all 29 inches of him. Open classes or youth -- Halter Showmanship - mainly in youth Jumping (man - can he jump) halter obstacle driving obstacle -- National Reserve Champion -- YOUTH Country Pleasure Driving -- Hall Of Fame...
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    Quick Question

    Also a quick comment to remind everyone that a YOUTH cannot add classes after they get to Nationals . They must register for all & any class that they wish to show in at Nationals as there is NO post entering for youth at the National show.
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    When an AMHR-B measures over 38" - - then what?

    yes, we have both 29 inch miniature horses & double registered 36 inch shetland/ miniatures. & we love them all dearly. HOWEVER, -- we were discussing a 40 " horse-- the thing is clear & simple -- then I would have a PONY only -- i no longer have a registered miniature horse -- with papers or...
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    When an AMHR-B measures over 38" - - then what?

    IF I had a 40 inch horse -- I would NOT have a mini-- I would have a PONY. Clear & simple. !!
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    For Those Concerned About Prices of Horses

    "Forced membership" to transfer papers -- How is that any different than our own registries? You have to be a member to do any kind of paper work?? I am not complaining -- just wondering why it is thought to be any different??
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    Our new Colt

    Does this handsome boy have a new home yet??
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    Our new Colt

    Congratulations folks -- another beauty for sure. he looks small as well - .
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    Meet my new driving horse....a man with COLOUR!!!

    VERY different -- I like Micky's name for him -- it suites LOL I was glad to see you said "Plesure ring" ET has always been alone up here in that class so it will be ncie to have another horse in it. Look forward to seeing him.
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    Congratulations Nigel -- I am so happy to see you with a horse of your very own. Good luck. See you on the circuit.!!
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    Foulk's Fantasy Farm announces

    Congratulations on a beautiful filly. that ET does do a nice job. LOL
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    Filipowicz Twilight Time

    She is one beautiful babe for sure. Congrats again-- she is a real looker.
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    New stallion to Long Lane Minis

    VERY NICE looking boy. Congratulations folks. He is stepping pretty nice in that second photo.-- Should be a nice driver.
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    2008 AMHR Nationals Results

    Although it does not STATE that you must win a class or classes to go to the Nationals-- I really wonder how many people put out money to go to the National show with a horse that never won in a class or classes?? I think common sense enters somewhere in the equation as well.