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  1. Tammie-C_Spots

    Very Sick Filly only 7 days old....

    Actually they can start to have foal heat at 7 days. Seen it myself (been breeding since '92) Tammie
  2. Tammie-C_Spots

    Very Sick Filly only 7 days old....

    I'm sorry to hear your baby isn't doing well. Often when the foals show "foal heat diahrea" it turns out much worse than it should be due to infection or lack of antibodies. Since the vet said blood was good it must be infection which although is common the foal can be in danger since they are...
  3. Tammie-C_Spots


    I was glad to be there for moral support (the vet arrived just before we did). The vet was great. Kris, her husband and mom are wonderful caring people. The lost filly was beautiful. A hind foot foward then hip lock is a difficult one to deal with. Ruby was a champ about it all. Glad to hear Dr...
  4. Tammie-C_Spots

    FIRST Foal of 2008 For Sawmill River!!!

    STunning colt Kristina! Congrats!!!!! Keep warm! Tammie
  5. Tammie-C_Spots

    harness question

    Thanks for all the information! It did come as a "full harness" with breeching, bridle, breastplate ect. Now I know how this works Thanks! Tammie
  6. Tammie-C_Spots

    harness question

    I just bought this new harness. But it has no "wrap straps" but has a buckle where the shaft just seems to "sit". See photo- how does this attach to the shafts? What am I missing? Help! Tammie
  7. Tammie-C_Spots

    Tony's Little America Too Incredible

    What an awful, awful run of bad luck. I'm sorry.... Tammie
  8. Tammie-C_Spots

    Mare/Foal Incompatability Question

    A mare owned by a friend had that problem. Each foaling she'd seperate them for a day until the mares colostrum turned to milk. She lost the first one before she realized what the problem was.
  9. Tammie-C_Spots

    confession time

    Love reading all the posts Every one of my coats has either- horse hay, dog treats or double end snaps in them often making thier way into the clothes washer and getting all over everything. I have parrots and have been know to go into public with bird poop on my shoulder (unknowingly but...
  10. Tammie-C_Spots

    Improving the breed - which is better??

    I have kept many of my best for breeding. Who I sell to depends on the horse. Although I wouldn't pass up a pet home if it was excellent I may look for a show or breeding type home for the above average ones so my hard work doesn't go to waste. I've been breeding for 15 years and have mostly my...
  11. Tammie-C_Spots

    Useful Miniature Horse Websites

    articles, appy color pages, Falabellas If you access my links/articles pages this is what I have on them: Lunging- step by step General mini care and information - basics The Regina Winery - one of the early Falabella importers Foaling Sequence in photos - graphic step by step- informative...
  12. Tammie-C_Spots

    Can anyone give me advice on how to get this foal R registered

    I believe you would need an AMHR breeding certificate from the owner of the stallion at the time of breeding. If you track him/her down and get them to fill one out I would think that would straighten it out. Since the stallion had not been updated you probably need to check who is listed (or...
  13. Tammie-C_Spots

    If you only had one stallion

    The last two stallions I had (father and now I've kept his son) are homozygous for black. Mine are appy though not pinto. Even if they were pinto my personal preferance is for black over red. Black apps and pintos have sold better for me than the solids or reds. Only problem is with a homozygous...
  14. Tammie-C_Spots

    I thought i'd share a story about the friend i lost 6 months ago

    Teddy's story brought tears to my eyes... I'm sorry for the loss of Teddy but he couldn't have had a better life than he had and when it became too much to bare his loved ones knew it was time to make him comfortable again, never to be again in pain. He sounds like such a sweetheart and your...
  15. Tammie-C_Spots

    Could things get worse!

    Hi Jenny, Do you mean she tends to wear her hooves down to much in the toe leaving her very upright? Are her hooves weak where a suppliment may help toughen them or some pine tar on the soles? Maybe she's naturally upright anyway and it's just a matter of trimming her more frequently? A picture...
  16. Tammie-C_Spots

    What does Parent Qualiify mean?

    I've had quite a few PQ'd on request and there was no charge for the new certificate Tammie
  17. Tammie-C_Spots

    Mare w/ an Arentina sire ...?

    The Agentine sire is probably a Falabella. Harshipping in AMHA if they are under 34" is possible if they are 5 and if the dam's are AMHR they may accept hardship in AMHR as well as AMHR limits hardship now only to AMHA horses (I think) and Falabellas. Tammie
  18. Tammie-C_Spots

    Have to ask why cant I sell?

    I like your photos (and I love appy!). I looked for a website and didn't find one for you. I think having one is a must today for selling. Each horse has thier own page with pedigree and pictures that are complimentary. My horses sell quickly now after many years of selective breeding but in...
  19. Tammie-C_Spots

    Very pleased........

    Pretty!!!!!! Congrats on your new girls! Tammie
  20. Tammie-C_Spots

    Who has Foals coming , how many, When?

    I have two foals for April/May: Crayonbox Midnight Colors of C Spots in foal to C Spots Justin Falabella and Code's Amanda VB (ASPC) in foal to Mcall's Roadrunner Cody (ASPC) I start marestare about 300 days along TAmmie