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  1. Tammie-C_Spots

    Appy questions...

    Tammie Ilove that second photo! I'd say snowflake I would say varnish but usually the varnish areas stay darker (stifle, face, knees ect) Tammie >>That girl is pretty! She's a snowflake though. A "reverse leopard" is called "reversed" because instead of the normal white base coat on a leopard...
  2. Tammie-C_Spots

    Our APPY New Year has started

    Glad it turned out ok! Congrats on the new appy baby! Tammie
  3. Tammie-C_Spots

    What to look for?

    Hi Terri Good for you for asking these questions beforehand First- what do you want to do with the horse? If you want a pet conformation isn't that important compared to a halter show horse. Personality would be top of the list for a pet. Movement may be top of the list for a driving horse...
  4. Tammie-C_Spots

    Foaling question for experience breeders

    Usually by the time I get out to the barn after the alarm goes off the foal is already on their way out. On the few occations I was there at water breaking I did not want to interfere as all was going well. Once the first knee clears the mare then I can usually see if there will be any problems...
  5. Tammie-C_Spots

    We lost our only '08 foal today

    I'm so sorry for your loss Many times dwarf foals do not make it full term because internally there is something wrong. Sometimes they will go full term and only live a short life due to the internal problems. The foal was born dead- never breathed. You can tell from the way the foal is laying...
  6. Tammie-C_Spots

    Back To The Forum

    I'm so sorry to hear of your terrible loss! I'm glad your back though as this is a great place to be Welcome back! Tammie
  7. Tammie-C_Spots

    New to the forums, lto to learn!

    Welcome! I think it's great your doing research and learning all you can! As others have said if your getting haybellies but ribs then they are not getting the nutrients they need. I go with a 12% protien pelleted feed plus grass hay. I have used the senior feed very successfully too. I'd...
  8. Tammie-C_Spots

    Who else has mares that are due to

    My few spot mare "Colors" is due in April to my blanket appy stallion I sold recently, Justin. Amanda is my new Shetland due in May to a blue roan (going grey) Shetland stallion. Tammie
  9. Tammie-C_Spots

    Smallest Breeding Stallion?

    I sold the smallest mature breeding stallion I'd had- Shadow Lake Squiter at 26". Next smallest was 29" Falabella stallion I used to have- Falabella Floriano. Tammie
  10. Tammie-C_Spots

    We just got our first mini

    LOL - I'm sure most of us have some sort of "learning experience" under our belts! Got a major one myself buying my first mare- really got taken to the cleaners. At shows they will measure and from what I've seen they don't "report" you if your mini registers over they just tell you that they...
  11. Tammie-C_Spots

    How many have their own Stallion

    I just sold my breeding stallion C Spots Justin Falabella. I am keeping his son- C Spots Justins Fortunate Son (a snow cap appy). My mares with C Spots are: C Spots Calista Falabella C Spots Salvos Import Saga My other colt is C Spots Calypso Falabella And though I didn't breed or foal her...
  12. Tammie-C_Spots

    True Arabian blood in minis???

    Actuallly Menalek sired Pegasus There is a lot of mis information on Falabellas on the web. I've been a Falabella Historian for a long time and have documentation from the ESt. Falabella as to true facts. An exerpt from one article I wrote on origins- <<Pedro Mendoza established the first...
  13. Tammie-C_Spots

    Is the best horse you own also the most expensive?

    I'd say my best horse I currently own is one I bred myself. She could definately show but I do breeding so she went right to the breeding herd and proved herself with a superior colt by my home grown stallion (who is a pretty nice quality guy himself). This mare is also my favorite. I found I...
  14. Tammie-C_Spots

    Best to the Best

    LOL- just got to love this group... and in that fashion... I have the best because I say so! LOL Really though, I don't show anymore but I know what a correct quality horse looks like. I also know the breed standards. I know what I like personally. I want a correct quality horse with good...
  15. Tammie-C_Spots

    Late November foal, or will she pop in Jan 2008??

    I would have to say January would be my guess because if she let the stallion breed her she was probably not in foal at the time (not that it doesn't happen but it's rare). I'd say the second breeding is more likely. Beautiful girl! Tammie I'm so sorry, always a dissapointment and sad Tammie...
  16. Tammie-C_Spots

    difference between mini horses and pony?

    I usually tell people that techincally they are all ponies under 14.2 hands. Under that can be classified into groups like Shetland has ancestors that go back to the Shetland Islands in the 1800s and have a recorded bloodline. Minis are a height group and anything under 38" can be considered a...
  17. Tammie-C_Spots

    Our mare who aborted the other week test results

    My first foal didn't make it due to severe distocia (malposition). I was there, one leg sticking out and no progress. Got my mare to the vet hospital but the foal had died. I was new to breeding and even so don't know if I could have moved the foal to right position. The filly's head was turned...
  18. Tammie-C_Spots

    We just got our first mini

    Congrats on your new girl! I think the main issue is that she's a baby that suddenly finds herself in a new "world". New home, new people and her companions are missing. I think when you went to halter her she moved away out of fear, your getting her to her stall and trying to force yourself on...
  19. Tammie-C_Spots

    What do you use for bedding

    I use wood pellets (untreated). They are very very dusty. They work well if it's a well used stall or under straw or shavings. I find since I'm limited on composting space for my manure and the wood pellets are excellent in that respect but top choice is fluffy shavings. I have mats in my stalls...