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  1. J

    Just for fun....

    Oversized, overweight, grade mare. Spayed so pet home only. Not much to look at anymore, but a willing mare who tries her best to please. Looking for a loving retirement home where she'll be appreciated, given daily rub downs and lots of chocolate Warm climate a must!!!!!
  2. J

    What has this forum taught you?

    Well, I for one am very thankful that people are willing to discuss health related topics. I always call my vet when I have a question, but last year, all three vets were out on farm calls and for the first time in my life I saw what turned out to be a fainter. I was totally beside myself. I...
  3. J

    Thinking about Lyn's post

    Oh, just wanted to add too that I hope the people who do these dumb things are reading this. Not only are they hurting someone over some petty disagreements, but by bringing litigation about for this, they just continue to put the bug in someones mind to sue over something else equally petty...
  4. J

    Thinking about Lyn's post

    This kind of stupidity that happened to Lyn is exactly why the world isn't nearly as fun as it once was!!!!! It used to be everyone helped each other. A few years back, we had a lady who's family just purchased horses and one of them was a foal who injured itself right after arrival. She didn't...
  5. J

    Wanted to show how good my boy is

    Thanks for the compliments. I don't know if I can get pics posted unless someone knows another way. I called my hosting service yesterday, but the guy who actually knows what he's doing is gone for a couple days and of course no one is there on the weekends so I guess I can't get things fixed...
  6. J

    Wanted to show how good my boy is

    Website is down and I wanted to show you a pic. A friend asked me if her sister could bring her daycare over to see the minis and I said sure. I took two of my minis out. We took pics of them with the minis, pics of them setting on a wild bronc (a hay bale with a saddle on it LOL) and we hunted...
  7. J

    Training for jumping? how?

    I only know a thimble full about jumper training so won't attempt that, but I did want to say that all the training in the world, won't make a jumper. Just like people, they are born to enjoy some things and not others. Have patience, but if after he has the concept down, you don't see any...
  8. J

    I really need some help

    Geese, are you sure that kid wasn't really 14 and related to me???? Sounds a lot like something my kid would think and say
  9. J

    I really need some help

    Nicole, I didn't find you rude at all. I just didn't want you to feel like I thought adults have all the answers. Like I said, I've seen youth a lot smarter and more patient than some of us adults Welcome to the poor club My husband farms, we have two kids and I have health issues. I was a...
  10. J

    I really need some help

    Nicole, I wasn't intending that for any certain individual. But since I know we have a large number of youth on here, I just wanted to help them see all the expenses that come with life in general. I myself have had big plans from time to time only to find out they were just too risky to try...
  11. J

    I really need some help

    OK, I'll probably get a lot of flames especially from the younger ones, but hey, I've been there as many of us older ones have and I just wanted to add some things to consider. OK -here goes. First the good news assuming you have 5 horses you work with for others and you charge $250/month...
  12. J

    Help emergency!!!

    I am soooo sorry. I was so hoping it was something treatable. I applaude you though for not allowing her to suffer any longer. (((((HUGS))))))
  13. J

    Hi all, new question of the day.....

    I agree with everything Marty said and also with everyone's statements about trying to feed less, but I also wanted to add that if it is alfalfa that could be part of the problem too. I personally feed mine alfalfa, but it will be "stemmier" than grass hay, so mine will only eat stems if they...
  14. J

    Tack Shops

    Hello JayneC, I am in Macomb, IL. Would love to visit with you someday. It isn't exactly near Peoria, but there is a place in Eldorado, IL. called Allen's Pony Express. They carry pony and miniature horse things. They carry nice stuff so they can be a bit expensive if your just looking for...
  15. J

    Help emergency!!!

    My first thought was also a skull fracture. Thankfully I've never had to personally deal with one but when you gave your description of things, that was the first thought I had. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
  16. J

    I really need some help

    Sounds like your doing some good thinking. The next step would be figuring up all the costs of horse ownership and then figure out which of the ideas you have will pay for that. If you choose a job working with horses so that you don't have to necessarliy own them, then try checking around to...
  17. J

    I really need some help

    Just my opinion here, but I strongly suggest you go to college. I am also going to suggest that in addition to whatever "horsey" classes you take that you also take a minor in some type of business or economics. Or if you have another area that you seem to be good at or enjoy (social work etc...
  18. J

    Minis star in the Emmy awards pre festivities

    I think it's wonderful they got this opportunity. It's too bad though ...with all the stars trying to help different causes, that they didn't provide info about the rescue groups I'll bet the little one wasn't looking at itself in the Bently, it was probably trying to figure a way to hop in...
  19. J

    Hot Walkers and Igg

    I'm bumping it too as I'd kinda like to know myself
  20. J

    What is up with all the mean attitudes lately

    Well, I am glad I did post this topic. I debated for quite a while (actually a few months) before doing so. It has been really interesting to see everyone's thoughts and views. I see both sides to this post. There are a few who get way too sensitive, but there are still those who feel the need...