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  1. F

    Last ROLL CALL!!!

    BUMP... I cant believe that there is only 3 of us from LB that will be at the Columbia horse show this weekend........ April
  2. F

    Last ROLL CALL!!!

    Just taking roll again on who is hoping to attend... I know Rebecca (RNR) and Pam.... I think I got the righ tname who is going to be steward...... Who else is making plans to go??? this will be my first show and am SO excited about it! April
  3. F

    Columbia show next weekend! AMHR

    Branson is a beautiful place!! It really isnt all that bad to drive around.... Springfield is MUCH worse IMO. Course I know the back roads to get around Branson though...... wether it be Columbia (4 hours away), Springfield (2hours) Branson (3 hours) or Carthage (3 hours) any of them would be...
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    Update on Melada My daughters Paso fino

    I m sure horses remember.... I just bought one of my mares dam in April and brought her home... I figured all H*** would break loose cause bothe mare are VERY dominant. Riha (the daughter) has to try everyone and can be quit nasty. I put them together and they never did a thing. Sniff at each...
  5. F

    Thank you Jodie !!

    I LOVE your mare Classic Contessa!! She needs to come here with I'm talking to myself *** have enough horses.... have enough horses...have enough horses....**** April
  6. F

    is the only point in breeding to make money???

    I just bought a new sticker for my truck.... driver carries no cash.... it all went to the horse... April
  7. F

    Working yearlings

    I can most definantly lounge in the field!!! I would move the round pen but NOT... that sucker is heavy... each panel was a pain to connect..... I dread the day I HAVE to move it LOL.... All my round pen is is apart aof the dry lot.... it is a big pen in the middle of the dry lot LOL BTW here...
  8. F

    Working yearlings

    I dont have any other pen but my round pen to lounge in....... the reason I have kept the line on is that he had never been lounged before. he didnt have a clue what I wanted from him..... what else can I do to work him other then the round pen??? Dont have the gater so I cant run him out in the...
  9. F

    People Who Have Used Domperidone

    I gave it to a maiden mare and she ended up milking like a cow.... yealring in now 35 inches LOL. And gave it to an older mare cause she didnt have much of a bag. Both mares had no ill effects and raised the foals great. The tube I have here is also Equi-tox...... April
  10. F

    Working yearlings

    Ok thanks guys... I was lounging him for 10 minutes first time and had it up to 15...... I guess 15 will be ok for now?? At just lounging? I dont have a Gater or anything like that to use. I cant seem to get him to break a fast trot to a gallop. I figure a fast paced trot will do him a lot of...
  11. F

    Working yearlings

    I am working a yearling (in may) on lounging and getting ready for his first show the 1st.... how long should I work him? I am tring to get some of the grass belly off of him..... what are other ways to work him other then round pen work.... swimming? April
  12. F

    what to whear to show

    Ok Thanks all.... I was at a western store today to get a nice western shirt for the show the first and I was going to shorten the sleeves (they do this free there in the store).... the lady helping me mentioned that some horse shows require long sleeves... I said well it was minis and she said...
  13. F

    what to whear to show

    can any one tell me if long sleave are required in a halter show or can one whear short sleaves thanks
  14. F

    Ghosts and Spirits

    I havent had a personal exsperience, but my dad did..... My grandma who lived right down the road form us while I was growing up..... spent about all my time with her. Out of all the grandkids. me and my brother where her favorites.... out of 30 + of us...... well anyway... she was really sick...
  15. F

    Help with a

    I know cows and horses are nothing alike BUT I worked on a dairy and we had a cow go "bully" on us. She would fight the bulls OFF of the cows in heat. She even got to the point where we thought she was bred (over 2 years open) and dried her she took over the dry lot. She would paw the ground at...
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    Show at Columbia MISSOURI

    Well I sent in my enrty... then a monkey wrench got thrown in... my truck wont be out of the body shop!! got to come up with a plan B...... April
  17. F

    Show at Columbia MISSOURI

    I will FOR SURE be there... wether I bring a horse is a different story... I really want to but dont have a clue on what to do once I get there.... April
  18. F

    Anyone Serious Trail of Painted Ponies Collectors?

    I thought about it once... then I looked around at all my 100+ Breyers and decided space was at a premium.... better not start aother collection!!!! They are really cute!! April
  19. F

    my new puppy

    You should be whipped for not posting a pic too!! i thought about getting a dane.... I already have a 114# dog... boyfrined says another one that size will break us on the food LOL April
  20. F

    Show at Columbia MISSOURI

    Im still riding the fence on entering....... I only have 1 horse and he would only be in 1 class..... He hasnt been clipped and I have no idea what to do to get ready for a show.... not the mention I have NO supplies...... I may just go and watch.... My mom and dad live in Boonville so it isnt...