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  1. F

    I will talk to the girls and see if they will publish their memoirs..... LOL//// I have no doubt I will not get that lucky again.... April
  2. F

    Well after Fudge foaled on he due date, with no lose of sleep, I asked myself how lucky I could be to have BOTH mares to do that.... well I IS LUCKY!!!! Fancy foaled at 12:15 PM on Saturday.... her due date according to the LB foaling calculater!!!! I do have to say though I really expected...
  3. F

    needing camera system...

    I work at a vet clinic and boss is interested in a camera system in the barn It is a metal barn and the office building is also metal. Is there anything that is good that is priced under 300???? April
  4. F

    Whos all going....

    There where a few there and it was VERY informative!! I learned a lot. Although it is sleet and snow on us the way up and it was COLD...... I had a good time. Learned a lot on the grooming part.... WAY more labor intensive then I would have ever thought. WOW is all I could say about the...
  5. F

    Whos all going....

    Its tomorrow!! I am going and I know of a couple more that are......cant wait. So excited about it.. Glad my mare was nice enough to foal Monday... April
  6. F

    2nd follow up check for Sophie

    I have seen foundered/rotated horses do GREAT after having the tendons that pull the coffin bone cut... it requires a LOT of after care....... but the horses ARE RIDABLE (large horses) after about a year.... April
  7. F

    WOW what a busy 2 days!!

    It all started Easter Sunday with the birth of twin pygmy babies.... then Monday Am a singleton was born...... Monday afternoon another set of twins THEN the cherry on the top was the birth of a pretty little filly about 9:30 PM monday.... out of about 8 foals this is the first one I have ever...
  8. F

    names for foal

    I named one that was born close to Easter Cadbury Carmel Egg he was a light brown tan color.... long since greyed out :-( April
  9. F

    Lice on horses

    I am fighting right now! I use PYRAHNA fly spray. thats gets um going! Lice WILL go to other speices if their own is in short supply. The fleas you see on dogs and the ones that bite us are acually cat fleas. They have a perfered host but will go to anything. I take my horses in to where I work...
  10. F


    Now listen here Dr._________ Just because a horse acts up when frightened doesnt mean the owner doesnt know how to control it!! What a jerk. I give my own shots. Dont guess I have ever had a vet do it.... I work at a clinic so I really dont count the ones my boss has given my critters. I STILL...
  11. F

    Don't want to start an uproar.....but........

    I have fed Purina for years. First with my Quarters and now with my minis. Never had a sick horse on it. Im not going to run right out and change food or stop feeding all togther because of this scare. Thats just like says EVERY cow that acts funny has MAD COW. It will soon blow over and...
  12. F

    Vaccinations, finally found a brand

    I have used Prestige 5 for the last 2 years. Not sure why I switched, but I havent had a problem with it.... but I will know this AM cause I gave shots yesterday and had trouble with some of htem...... well out of 8 - 3 stood there OK. April
  13. F

    Foal Deaths

    I feel that unbroken bags take a lot of our babies... right behind dystocia... what do you think??? April
  14. F

    Cordless clippers

    I work at a vet clinic and Laubes are all we have and they get a workout... I will use them to clip my horses from time to time.... April
  15. F

    Yet another Pitt Bull attack...on a toddler!

    You never hear about the family Cocker tearing up anyone..... I have seen some NASTY ones. You just BREATH attack and people think Pitt Rott Doby..... just not fair. I have been bit more times by the Weiner dogs and Chi Chis to count....... April
  16. F

    Strategy AX (green bag)

    Now I have noticed my 1 dwarf and 1 yearling not eating all of their food the last couple of days. Girl gets 4 cups of the GX and Joe gets 2 cup X 2 cups JR. Girl maybe ate half of her food and when I turned everyone loose another filly ran over and ate hers and she ate Joes.... maybe they are...
  17. F

    New babies

    UPDATE!!! The red head is doing GREAT I just knew I was going to have to bag him... both box babies are nursing and doing wonderful...... now another twist.... the lady kinda got mad at us because we wouldnt flat out tell her WHERE and WHO and WHAT anyone was doing with the babies. She turned...
  18. F

    Peanut Butter Recall

    OMG I have one of them!!! Thank god the only missing is the stuff I used for the rat trap last week.... April
  19. F

    New babies

    Yes they are all Boer crosses.... all very small though.... The shed babies are doing great. Box babies are hanging in there. The blond is painful.... gas so she got some banamine per Doc. Red is breathing but a little labored. They where xrayed and Doc think that one got milk in its lungs...
  20. F

    New babies

    I work at a clinic so I see a lot of life and death. Well I got a call today and Doc wanted me to come in a help with some goats a lady rescued. The man she got them from where letting the does just drop them anywhere in this very cold weather here. There where dieing. This lady saved 11 and...