Strategy AX (green bag)

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Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2003
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Otis Orchards, Washington (just east of Spokane)
I have fed this for years and never had a problem until today. I realize this will not affect very many of you as it is a NW plant here is Spokane and bagged on a certain day and time, and most people that feed Stragtegy feed the GX (white bag) but...

Just wanted to make everyone aware of a possible problem I had.

Opened up a new bag this morning from the group I purchased on Sunday. It was bagged on Feb 27, 07 at 10:18 at the Spokane plant.

Not sure what if anything is wrong with it but 16 out of 20 horses in my main barn would not eat it. They just turned their nose to it. Some appear to have pushed it around with their nose and 4 ate it. When I went back out after they should have finished breakfast I found the majority of it still in their feeders. I cleaned them all out and took back the 6 bags that I bought on Sunday and replaced them with a different lot.

I smelled and tasted the grain and their was no obvious smell or taste but obviously the horses smelled something. In the other barn I had not opened the new lot yet and they all ate fine so I know it was not the beet pulp. As a matter of fact the horses in the main barn shuffled through and ate the beet pulp and left the grain and the ones outside that just get grain are the ones that did not touch it.
That is a very interesting one Annette, please keep us posted. I quit feeding strategy last year. My horses just didn't care for it any longer.
Thank you for the warning, Annette. If the majority of the horses suddenly won't eat it I certainly wouldn't second guess them that something isn't right.

I had always wondered what the "AX" formula was... I feed the "GX" as the AX is special order only.

Thank you for the warning, Annette. If the majority of the horses suddenly won't eat it I certainly wouldn't second guess them that something isn't right.

I had always wondered what the "AX" formula was... I feed the "GX" as the AX is special order only.


Would that be for feeding with alfalfa AX and feeding with grass GX? Just wondering. I don't feed it, so don't even know what it looks like.
Yes AX is alfalfa formula, less protein and GX is grass.

Everybody seems fine tonight, no tummy aches so far.

Didn't know it was made in different formulations, good guess on my part. :bgrin

Glad to hear everyone is doing fine.
Interesting, someone down here had a similar reaction with her horses just last week...pretty sure it was Strategy.

[SIZE=14pt]Now I have noticed my 1 dwarf and 1 yearling not eating all of their food the last couple of days. Girl gets 4 cups of the GX and Joe gets 2 cup X 2 cups JR. Girl maybe ate half of her food and when I turned everyone loose another filly ran over and ate hers and she ate Joes.... maybe they are just pulling a Mikey on me...... This is not a new bag....... maybe it is getting old and stale? I have 4 new bags and they are packaged in a new bag. Would have to run out and read it to find out what it says.[/SIZE]

Purina's changed thier formula slightly, and they are also now listing their ingredients as grain by products and other generic listings instead of the actual ingredient. My horses' weren't looking as good, then I read the tag, my next bag will be from Triple Crown which is a fixed formula and it won't change.


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