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  1. F

    As of now you can't register a horse with no longer then 29 letters in its name?

    I for one am NOT liking this at all... I have a note book that i write down names I like and now I wont be able to use half of them!! I couldnt get Sweet Acres abbreviated. Someone already reserved SA... grrrrrrrr April
  2. F


    If you think mounted horses is disturbing.... I know someone who had a BEAUTIFUL overo that died due to colic and her husband skinned him and they have his HIDE hanging on the wall in their house.... freaked me out when I saw it and the REALLY freaked me out when it was her favorite horse.... April
  3. F

    Question for those that have goats

    You can get a tick and lice dust from the feed store. I believe 7 dust will work too for lice. April
  4. F

    Heard today about disturbing ingredients in commercial pet food

    One thing you said is completly ILLEAGLE to do and the vets can be FINED or their licenses pulled. The only way that any animal it to be "disposed" of that has been Euthanized is to bury or cremate. Any animal that is eaten after death this way COULD DIE and/or become very sick. Vets that "sell"...
  5. F

    What's Your Day Job?

    I work at a Vet clinic as a Tech. Then I also work for a marketing management company that markets Cigerettes. I count then and all that good stuff..... really need a 3rd job to keep up with the animals!!! April
  6. F

    Lolli Brothers Sale

    Im going to take a gelding there in December. Just wondering if anyone was going to go to it? It is in Macon Missouri. April
  7. F

    Snake question

    Nope not a copper head... here is a baby copperhead for ya... this one was right next to me steps to my trailer.... it was about 1 to 1 1/2 foot long. Notice I said WAS non poisonous are one thing but the poisonous ones are another. April
  8. F

    Snake question

    Well I have a pet one in the house that is my sons. I am planning on getting me a milk snake that looks IDENTICAL to the Coral snake pictures....... I had to say to myself red on black OK jack.....DANG thats a CORAL!!!! LOL. Heres a pic of Teena. She is a Miami Phase Corn Snake. All sankes...
  9. F


    We had a big to do here not too long ago on this and our state rep was there to hear concerns and one of the local vets who is on the board of the horse vet accociation said he got confirmation that HERE we would NOT be required to chip or tag ANY horse. How knows.... just another mark of the...
  10. F


    I feel ya WILDOAK!!! I went in one Monday and was induced and nothing happened then went in the following Mondya and told them I better be leaving with a flatter tummy.... They induced again at 7 AM By Monday 10 PM they did a c section....... That will be 9 years ago FRIDAY!!!! April
  11. F


    I know of a big mare that was on it for several months due to infection in her foot. She has no ill effects from it.... April
  12. F


    I love that show! I watched it last night where they went to Hawaii. I also saw where they where PLANTING those pumpkins. April
  13. F

    "World's Smallest Horse"

    I have saw her in person a couple of years ago... She was the first dwarf I had ever saw and fell in love with her.... the dwarf bug bit me then!... April
  14. F

    What do you say when......

    I was at a Pioneer Day goinson yesterday in a town a few miles away. I had 2 of my "regular" horses and 2 of my dwarves there for people to look at and pet. A lady wanted to know if I would breed my REGISTERED stud to her GRADE pony mare... they wanted another horse for the kids... well I acted...
  15. F

    Our Youngest Rescue!!

    Hey GINNY!!!! Im still wanting him here in MISSOURI! Ifn we could get that relay going I would take him!!!! He could go to work with me since I work at a vet clinic! April
  16. F

    How did you get started in owning a dwarf/dwarfs??

    Well my story begins with Babydoll in 03. Someone here posted a topic that they had found this Dwarf for sale and wanted to know if anyone could maybe get her..... well I had thought about "helping" Dwarves and had read up on them to maybe one day get one. Well the owner was about a 3 to 4 hour...
  17. F

    Dwaft or not?

    Here is a pic of my 2 dwarves Doll and Pretty Girl.... Doll is the white one and she has a very bad bite. As for Girl her bite is DEAD ON but is obviously a dwarf also with her very short legs. I dont have one of Girls, but here is one of how bad Dolls is. April
  18. F

    What color would you use.....

    I want to thank everyone for their response! I have a couple of ideas, and will have some time to think on it! April
  19. F

    What to charge for Birthday parties, hospital visit, nursing home visits.

    I took a mare and a Dwarf to a 2 YO party... I think I charged $40 for it.... gave rides on the mare.. Smaller kids LOVED Doll.... as for Homes and Hospitals... I also think of it as a privlege to be asked to bring them there... I wouldnt DREAM of taking anything to do this. I have taken Doll...
  20. F

    What color would you use.....

    TY for the link. Those are very nice...... I like the gold ones! April