[SIZE=14pt]I work at a Vet clinic as a Tech. Then I also work for a marketing management company that markets Cigerettes. I count then and all that good stuff..... really need a 3rd job to keep up with the animals!!![/SIZE]
: :bgrin at a small dressage barn (been there 10 1/2 years now :new_shocked: ), and my "real" job is a saddler/harness maker, whatever you feel like calling it, but I make leather horse equipment!! :bgrin I've been doing that for just over 6 years now. I love both my jobs!!!!
Well...I am married to a Plumber and have been working with him for almost 7 years now.
We have our own business .... and I have learned much through the years.
If you ever have a problem...ask me?
Before that ...I was in health care....a CNA at the local Nursing Home and Assisted Living facility....I worked all units...but my main focus was in alzheimer's and stroke patients.
I am currently retired and have been for the last three years. I don't plan on any changes here since work would only get in my way of living life to the fullest.
Prior to my retirement I worked as a Senior Techincal Writer. My last job was with Tandem/Compaq/HP. I know, it sounds like three jobs but it was only one. Tandem got bought out by Compaq and later Compaq was bought out by HP. The ironic thing is that Tandem was founded by former Hp engineers. I guess the company went full circle.
For the last five years that I worked I worked from home 150 miles away from my work office. I orginally went to work one day a week and that later changed to one day every other week and ended with going in when I needed to. Often it was every few months. I did most of my meetings teleconferencing on the phone and my pc. I referred to those last five years a semi retirement.
When I feed an clean up after horses I plan my next trip. I love my horses and dogs but they will never stand in the way of my enjoying my retirement. My horses are not an income but a black hole like my dogs always had been. They have always given me an excuse to go somewhere where I can enjoy showing.
Im a full time college student in training to become an art teacher ^_^ I also do costom logos for barns/farms. As well as horsy pictures. Could also do a horse protrait or two. Sadly full time college doesnt leave much time for doing horsy art work
[SIZE=18pt]I'm a mom, but i recently got a job at a barn doing chores for a woman who trains and sells eventing horses. I haven't been around horses that big in 7 years. Plus I do all my own horse work at my barn. [/SIZE]
I am a dental hygienist by trade but enjoy managing the dental front office, insurance billing, collections, payroll, etc. I am considering going back "temporary P/T" for a friend's office to help get things back in order for him while my kids are in school. It is my "adult time" and will get me back into the "real" world for a little bit anyway. I am a mom first and foremost but don't mind helping out a friend when the need arises.
I am currently the Assistant Manager of a retail store. I started working for this company at age 15 and worked for them off and on until age 18. I then went to work for a company that was owned by one of their past employees. I worked for him for 11 years and learned all aspects of the retail variety store. I then went into the fast food business and after several years of owning our own business, closed our bakery and our restaurant, and I went back to work for this company.
The hours are long and I can't keep weight on because I walk on average 20 miles a day in the store but the work is not hard and they will let me off sometimes when I request it. Since the a**hole manager is gone and we have a new one it is much more pleasant to go to work.
Currently I work at a Mortgage House it's a lot of fun but I consider showing, training and working w/ the horses my second job, it may not pay as much as my first one but I honestly like it more :bgrin
I am a full time college student but to pay the bills while I'm in school I work at a grocery store. I was a cashier/customer service clerk/and scanner (take down old ad signs and put new ones up). I went to nightstock for 6 months and basically checked for 10 hours and sometimes stocked the shelves. I've decided to go back to days so starting Wednesday I'll no longer be nocturnal. The thing I really like about my job is the customers. There are some that are in the store everyday and you kind of get attached to them. And of course the ones that tip are nice.
I'm a professional groomer. I groom dogs out of the detached shop at my home and do house calls. I also groom Miniature Horses for show during the season.
With all the diversity here, we still have one common denominator (other than the love of minis)...the majority of our bosses are Aholes! I've heard the reference many times and now I dont' feel so bad as I thought it might of just been me...but no, it seems that the majority of bosses are Aholes!
l am an educated bum that hasn't held down an outside job in 30 years of marriage. Raising our 2 kids and sometimes a few others along the way over the years plus the horses has made up for all that l missed in the working world.
I don't know, I guess I'm with Relic... I'm an educated bum. :lol:
I have a BS in Agriculture, specifically Range Science.
I've worked retail off and on since college. Last job I had was at a bank, I quit four years ago, after I married a rancher and moved 40 miles from the nearest town. So, now I'm a rancher's wife and we raise beef cattle. I also have my quilting supply business that I run out of our home, I sell on-line mostly, but also some here.
[SIZE=10pt]What an interesting thread! I was a bakery manager for ten years, saved up my moola to eventually move up north. Which I did. I left the big city life for simpler liveing...I have been a cook/cleaning person at a supper club just three miles away - for about five years now. My hours are such that I work alone, which I love of course. No one looking over my shoulder! I also sell Avon and LOVE doing that. I do in home care for the elderly as well and that is probably the job which I love most. There is nothing like making an elder laugh and feel appreciated!
I was a vet tech/assistant/office manager until 3 years ago when i had a kidney/pancreas transplant. I went on disability after that and remain on it due to complications from diabetes. I now raise a few puppies and horses. I really miss working in the "outside" world and wish I could go back to my old job!
I used to work as a file clerk for Nationwide Insurance Co., before that I worked as a temp.
I quit my job to move down here and be with my fiancee, Martin.
His line of work is seasonal and sporadic, so it's easier for me to be home with the boys (three of 'em) and take care of things this way when he's gone for weeks/months at a time (he is a commercial fisherman like on Deadliest Season/Deadliest Catch...many of those people are our friends and neighbors).
I feel lucky to get to stay home with my boys.
When they are bigger, I'd like to go back to school and see what happens!
I'm an Asst Vice President in a bank - mainly a fancy title for a branch manager but with lots more benefits- the best thing that happened to me after 22 years in the business was transferring from managing a large branch in a big city to a small branch in my small hometown 2 1/2 miles from my house and my horses- now I can go home for lunch and check up on everyone! I also sell life insurance (I'm a licensed agent selling for SBLI) as one of my tasks at the bank
This year we also started a haying business on the side that is working out really well - our hay bill normally runs $12,000 a year including the big horses so we invested 7-8k in haying equipment for our tractor and have picked up several hay fields to mow- about 54 acres plus possibly another 70 acres for next year. Next year we will actually have hay to sell !- all of it went for our own this year The best part is that the hay is free - we just mow, bale and remove our hay! Wooo Hooo! The second best part is even if we don't sell, we already paid for the equipment with what we saved this year!