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  1. T

    Another foal!!!!! It's a COLT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I am going against the grain here. When I first saw him, I thought, definate Perlino, but the mare looks like a champagne to me, on my dark computer screen it is hard to detect, but I am betting he is carrying one copy of champagne, and probably one copy of cream. Just my opinion, but that...
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    Need opinions on Llama's protecting minis

    I have also had some success with certain llamas. Had one for about 11 years, and he was a gelding, did a great job. I have also had some that were less than watchful. I now have three male alpacas with the horses, they hate dogs, and I feel would protect against coyotes, dogs, etc. if they...
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    Baby Problems

    I am at work, so I havent seen it yet, but I am betting neomycin/bacitaracin ( and heck, I am probably not saying or spelling that right) . Ill have to check it out when I get home. I hope as with most ulcers it gets better, I was just hoping someone on here, had experience with it, and could...
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    Baby Problems

    Well lets try this again. I have a foal born last night with an ulcer on his eye. He seems blind completely in that eye. I am at work, and my husband is at home. The vet came out first thing this morning, and looked at his eye, and gave my husband some eye ointment to put in the eye. He...
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    Part 2 of what color is this foal?

    I still say smokey cream. The mothers dam is black, and therefore the mother carries at least one copy of black from her. The dilute on the mother probably came from her sire, knowing what he has historically produced. The sire to this colt, carries a black gene also. ( I know this because I...
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    What color is this foal?

    My guess, smokey cream
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    I have been giving 1.5 cc three times daily. You can taste it when it gets any residue on your hands. No matter how much hand washing you do, you can still taste it, no wonder the vets said it could have an effect like an appetite suppressent. Very costly medicine indeed, but the treatment...
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    Has anyone given this medication. I had a filly that spent a week at the intensive care unit with septicemia. The vets at this clinic treat 90% throughbreds, and they really did miracle work to save this tiny filly. They only gave her a 10% chance of survival when she arrived, but I am glad...
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    soats lil cricket

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    Garden Suggestions

    I am NOT a gardener. But I still attempt to plant a garden each year. Usually the first few weeks go well, but then my garden goes to pot. I thought maybe some suggestions before I set it out, might help me. I live in central kentucky so a mild climate, usually good rainfall till about mid...
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    Our First Two foals

    Congratulations, What beautiful babies. Hope all your babies come out healthy and happy. I like the red pinto one, he is my kind of color.
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    Color Advice

    He looks sorrel going grey to me. Does he have white hairs above his eyes. Good indicator, he will shed out grey
  13. T

    AMHA Studbook Lookup please

    Hes very good looking boy. I love the toveros. Good luck with him.
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    Mt. Airey, North Carolina Sale

    Thank you, I appreciate everyones responses. I wish I were there, and Aubrey, I have one of your girls. Got her at that sale last spring, I believe, Lola. She is doing well, and my mothers favorite mare. Has completely app'd out. She is the reason we went and bout a snowcap stallion, as I...
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    Mt. Airey, North Carolina Sale

    I didnt get to go to the sale, really wanted to but couldnt get away. We are selling our farm, and had to show it this weekend. How hard it is to stay home , and not go to my favorite sale. How did it go, did the horses sell well. I am hoping so. That sale always seems to set the standard...
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    AMHA/AMHR look-ups please...

    KAHOKA PALOMINO IMPRESSIVE Pedigree report 03/02/2006 ****1***2***3***4***5***6***7***8***9**************************************** | | | | | UNKNOWN - UNREG. | | | | RAMUNDO - I 00012 | | | | |[00/00/1967 : S : SBK : - : - : 28.500] | | | | | UNKNOWN...
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    HUGE, HUGE HUGE news

    CONGRATULATIONS, I just noticed the post. Wishes for all the happiness in the world
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    Big Lick revisited

    I posted on the other forum too, but i will say this, not all the trailers pulling out are truly because their horses are sore. The trainers hate being singled out as a breed, and they have a coalition (sorta ) that says when the government shows, they dont. trying to send a message. I always...
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    Amazing GAITS

    Hello, to everyone here, I did not read this thread. Let me say that right off the bat, I saw the other posting and it got my curiosity. I have miniatures ( a whole lot of them, so I am thrilled reading this forum, although I dont post too often, But do read every day) Now saying that, I...
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    Big Lick revisited

    I will, I ll go read it now. I would even post my horses, but I for the life of me, cannot post pictures. Call me computer illiterate where this forum is concerned. I always end up with red x s