What color is this foal?

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Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2002
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weird colored eyes. and he is golden like cream.

I will greatly appreciate your opinions.. His sire is Seahorse Gold Melody Bar, a perlino stallion and his dam is Kobecks Honey Bunch is a smutty buckskin.

Thanks so much

Lara and David

Not sure on the speckles. Could be his skin is going to turn black. Sabinos - Grays and of course appys have that too.

I have a lite sorrel filly that was born with pink muzzle, eyes like yours. Within a few months her skin started to turn dark. Also another silver white sabino colt. When clipped at two months his skin was pink, he was white, muzzle and eyes pink. He developed speckles on his eyes, muzzle and some big black spots on the pink skin but no black hair coming from them. Later his skin turned all dark including most of his muzzle and all of his eyes.

Sorrels (Red) are noted for being born with pink skin on muzzles and eyes, or at least at my ranch they are!
Could be your baby will be buckskin or palomino and not cremello/perlino so skin is starting to turn.

LOTS of color experts here so you will get your answer I'm sure. I have only observed mine over the years and have listened to many on the forum.

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I don't know his color, but I do know he's beautiful!!

I've had 2 colts born this year and both have those light blue eyes. The sire of both is a silver buckskin. The dams are a dark buckskin pinto and a silver dun appy. None of the parents have blue eyes. Guessing the eyes on my colts will end up changing, but they are so pretty right now!!!
I was going to guess Champagne as well. They have the Appy mottling and strange coloured eyes but I think one of the parents has to be champagne as well for the foal to be. Probably perlino.
Well no, champagne's don't have "appy mottling" they simply have "freckling". Appy mottling is like large blotches of dark and light skin, champagne's have little freckles as if someone took pepper and sprinkled it on their noses and genitals.

I too was going to guess champagne, are you sure mom or dad isn't a champagne? I would study up the characteristics on the website provided above, and compare your stallion and mare...if the foals eyes start turning amber/green by the time it is weaned then for sure a champagne =) Do mom or dad have amber/green eyes w/pink skin and freckles?
Hmm well without seeing the parents of course ( I am assuming that isnt moms rear in the pic) if so he would be palomino I am guessing but personally I am going to say he is a smokey silver.. again needing pics of the sire and dam to make a truly educated guess. Silver horses also can have what appears to be freckeling
Can't say about his color, but he sure is neat! Congrats!

Thank you all for your comments, I don't believe that he could be a champagne as is dam is a dark Smutty bucskin, yes Lisa, that is her tail in the picture with him. He sire is Seahorse Gold Melody Bar, a perlino stallion that has mostly Gold Melody in his pedigree. His dam is a buckskin daughter of Mickey Mouse. Just weird little colored boy.

But again thank you guys for taking the time to post your opinions.

Does his dam have motteling? Her sire is chief running brave..a appaloosa! :saludando:
Lisa I have a pic of her somewhere in this computer.. Little Steppers, no the mare doesnt show any signs of appy, but that is probably where this little guy is getting the freckling.. Thanks, and when I find that pic of her I will post it. This computer is about as messy as my house..LOL
My guess would be smokey cream too, or possibly perlino. You could get him tested for agouti and cream to be more certain.

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