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  1. R

    Final decision on the woodburn trucks

    :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: Absolutely beautiful!!!! :aktion033: :aktion033: Linda Roxy's Run Miniatures/Renditions
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    A different kind of woodburn for me

    Beautiful work!!! :aktion033: Just a suggestion for you though. I don't know what you use to "seal" the final product, but what ever you use, please try the sealer on a scrap piece of wood that you colored with the pencils first. I found with the cuts outs that I do, that pencil seems to...
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    Used paperback books - any place to sell?

    Thank you everyone for your response. I really appreciate it. I will look into all avenues. The nursing home sounds like a fantastic idea. Thanks. Linda Roxy's Run Miniatures/Renditions
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    Used paperback books - any place to sell?

    Hi everyone! I just got off the phone with my Mom and she and Dad spent the day cleaning out their attic. She asked if I wanted some things from my childhood. Boy did that bring back some memories. : But anyway, she said that they have boxes and boxes of paperback books and asked if I...
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    Problem with "inner eye lid" in dogs

    Thanks Pineyoaks. It has affected both eyes equally. I have a cat who had this problem as a kitten and I had the surgery done to remove the third lid and she is ok but she had already lost some vision in both eyes by the time her mother brought her down from the barn rafters and I was able to...
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    Problem with "inner eye lid" in dogs

    THAT'S IT!!!!! Cherry Eye was what I was trying to think of. Thanks. One thing though, the third eye lid is not pink or red in color at all. It looks like the dog's normal skin coloring and the swelling goes all along the bottom outside lid but on the inside and NOT like a tumor by the tear...
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    Problem with "inner eye lid" in dogs

    I was over my brother's today and his one German Shepard has a problem with the inner eye lids being swollen and her eyes have a slight goopy discharge. When you look at her eyes, the lower eye lids starting at the tear ducts, you can see that the inner lids are swollen. She can see perfectly...
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    Christmas lights - anyone have any laying around??

    Hi everyone! Christmas will soon be here and I was wondering if anyone had any christmas lights laying around that they didn't want anymore. It is ok if they don't work (of course, working is much better :bgrin ) but I'll take them even if they don't work. Of course, I will pay for shipping...
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    Identity Theft! Here's a new angle!

    Oh my!!! :o Where does this end?!?!?! Every year I get a copy of my Credit Report and EVERY YEAR Experian has me as being married (NEVER!), owning a townhouse (NEVER owned any real property!), and that I have THREE Social Security Numbers!!! :new_shocked: Every year I clear this up only...
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    Interresting Medical info for wellness

    I found that EXTREMELY interesting. Thank you Lyn. I think I will be doing further research into this product for my boyfriend, Denny, who is suffereing from SEVERE perepheral neuropathy in his hands and legs and even after all the doctors we have been to no one can figure out why. Our next...
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    Just thought you would all like to know...

    :aktion033: :new_multi: Yup, it is coming that time of year again! :aktion033: : I have been keeping my eye on the calendar lately to keep up with the seasonal cut outs for craft sales and customers and also to advertise and get working on Custom orders that I have been receiving for...
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    More pictures of Pride & Joy

    What pretty pictures. What beautiful horses and I just love your Corgi! Linda :saludando: Roxy's Run Miniatures/Renditions
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    Font help needed please

    How about this? This is GeoSlab703Bd BT which I had bolded: Linda :saludando: Roxy's Run Miniatures/Renditions
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    The latest painted plaque

    Thank you everyone. My boyfriend, Denny, really likes this one and asked me not to sell it. : Karla, some of my paintings and cut outs are drawn onto the wood first and then painted and some others are free-hand and then some a little bit of both. The custom cut outs are traced onto the...
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    Daylight Savings Time

    Yup, my 2007 calendar says March 11 and November 4 also. Thanks for pointing that out. I know I would have missed that otherwise! : I'm just not so sure this is a good thing yet. : Linda :saludando: Roxy's Run Miniatures/Renditions
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    Two more woodburns

    Very nice job!!! The detail is AMAZING!!!!! Linda :saludando: Roxy's Run Miniatures/Renditions
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    The latest painted plaque

    Hi everyone! Well, here is the latest plaque that I painted. Thanks to Marty, I finally got to paint a cornucopia. Marty made me realize that everyone seems to go from Halloween right into Christmas and forget about Thanksgiving all together. :no: I admit that I, myself, did that as well...
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    OH MY GOD!!!

    Woo Hoo! Congratulations!!! That's so great! :aktion033: Linda Roxy's Run Miniatures/Renditions
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    Alternative to slaughtering horses

    Interesting. Linda Roxy's Run Miniatures/Renditions
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    Bad Day

    I'm sorry you had such a difficult day. I hope tomorrow is much much better! : Linda :saludando: Roxy's Run Miniatures/Renditions