Identity Theft! Here's a new angle!

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Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2002
Reaction score
Mount Sterling, Ohio
A friend of mine here in Ontario called me last night to warn me of an identity theft problem that he and his wife are victims of.

They went to renew the licence plate tags on their leased vehicles the other day, and were told by the clerk that the plates did not match the car. They most certainly did, and they even took the clerk out to see the car and its plates. Well, they've leased this car, and had it in their possession, for two years now, but it has changed ownership three times since this past January! Seems that someone stole the VIN number off the car. Not the actual tag, but the number, and then falsified ownership papers, etc. They reported this to the local police who told them that there's nothing they can do, etc. So my friends contacted an RCMP friend of theirs who said that it looks like a car theft ring, and that they absolutely should report it and have an investigation started.

I don't know about you guys, but in a million years I would never have thought of covering up the VIN on my car. Like most people, I'm careful with my credit card and bank card, etc., but it would never occur to me to think of this.

Anyway, just thought I would share this tidbit of information with the hopes that someone will be spared the nightmare these people are going through right now.
Oh my!!! :eek: Where does this end?!?!?! Every year I get a copy of my Credit Report and EVERY YEAR Experian has me as being married (NEVER!), owning a townhouse (NEVER owned any real property!), and that I have THREE Social Security Numbers!!! :new_shocked: Every year I clear this up only for it to appear again the following year!!!! I even had a collector call me, called my Landlords, called my parents, and my JOB to try to collect a judgment from some Condo Association!!! After finally getting it through to this guy that it wasn't me he was after, we got to talking in a civilized manner and boy, what he had to tell me!!! He had supposedly done an "asset check" on me and well, let me tell you, I am supposedly pretty much set for life!!!! :lol: He said I had a SUBSTANTIAL 401K (NOT!!!! I only wish!!!
: ), I owned a bunch of stocks (NOT!!!! I DESPISE the Stock Market!!!!) and a bunch of other assets. That was about three months ago and I'm STILL trying to decipher all through this. I even called CitiFinancial and spoke with an extremely nice woman who also ran my Credit Report and confirmed everything that the collector was telling me! She also said that once I get this stuff "corrected" that my credit score will be super!!! So she and I have pretty much joined forces to straighten this all out. Hopefully once and for all!!!!

I am so sorry about your friends and the VIN Number. I would never have thought of something like that to happen. This world is just too crazy!!!!


Roxy's Run Miniatures/Renditions
Good grief :eek: I would never have thought of that either Judy. Thanks for the heads up!

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