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  1. kimbalina

    New Member! Hello!!

    Thank you for joining and sharing this very precious photo with us!! I love Welsh Mountains too though I have none! Your little boy is so sweet. Dear little thing. We have little Apaché and bigger Arlee here in Sydney! Sending cozy wishes!! 🌈✨
  2. kimbalina


    I love growing corn! I love that it grows straight up so doesn’t need a lot of room. You can squeeze it in around the flowers! The kids love to pick and eat the cobs raw straight off the plant.
  3. kimbalina

    The Funnies!

    Wow!! Me too!!! Jumping over all the fences and obstacles at a gallop to keep up with the car ❤️
  4. kimbalina

    💕 Baby Nova’s Cuteness Journal 💕

    Thank you so much for popping in to update us and share some photos! What a pretty girl. I like her fuzzy but having her head so nicely clipped she looks incredible. ❤😍
  5. kimbalina

    The Funnies!

  6. kimbalina

    Sad day for us

    Saying goodbye is so hard. You definitely did the right thing, 100%, not letting him suffer. Dear little loves 💔.
  7. kimbalina


    Woah! this took me a little by surprise! I’d love to see a photo of Thunder with his new crew of fellow dwarves! Please share if the new owners send you one! ❤️
  8. kimbalina


    Your van looks so cozy! What a fun adventure!!
  9. kimbalina

    Aha finally a toy that works

    He loves showing off to Arlee.
  10. kimbalina

    Working at the Polls

    I’m glad voting is compulsory in Australia! Well done, Marsha! Your sacrifice is vital.
  11. kimbalina

    Importance of companionship

    It was a really poignant coincidence that we found this book at the library at the same time as we finally got Arlee!
  12. kimbalina

    Importance of companionship

    I have really seen our poor Apaché go through so much since we bought him. I think he would have been happiest if I left him out in woop woop on 25 acres with his seven head herd. A very balanced herd where Apaché, although the smallest was a well respected member of the herd. I abducted him and...
  13. kimbalina

    Is she pregnant and how far along would you say?

    Welcome! Can we see a pic of your stallion too?
  14. kimbalina

    The Funnies!

    Love his smug little smile too! 😊
  15. kimbalina


    Welcome! Miniature horses are fun… So much personality in a tiny package! Would love to see some photos of your Fjords and Llamas! especially a photo of your driving llama! He sounds like he was special! We have little Apaché here in Sydney who doesn’t drive (yet?!) but is a companion to my new...
  16. kimbalina

    The Funnies!

    good ol Apaché
  17. kimbalina


    Also grapes are growing… On the fenceline by the horses… who knew horses love to eat grape vines but they do! Luckily it’s climbed right up onto my banksia rose and there are some that they cannot reach! My fight against the weeds is ongoing… I’ve pulled out tonnes of bindis by hand but with...
  18. kimbalina


    Spring has sprung and with all the crazy rain we’ve had and now the warmth everything is looking like heaven, verdant and lush!! The coriander I grew from seed bolted months ago but continues to grow and is taller than me now! I like to get mixed seed packets like cottage mix and bee and...
  19. kimbalina


    I would love to teach him to pull a cart like yours and I think he would be fantastic at it… There is zero point zero zero percent of the population of Australia that drive horse and cart and an even smaller percentage that drive minis. Gear is expensive and uncommon to come by. No Amish. The...
  20. kimbalina


    It’s not as cinematic! I wish I’d been able to capture Apaché following us through the trails! Might need a helmet cam. Or maybe a shirt with a top pocket! What do you guys do to video while you’re riding or driving?