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Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2021
Reaction score
Fort Worth, Texas
Downsizing is so hard! I’ve decided to downsize my herd in half from 4 ponies down to 2! I will explain more about that at a later date. But for now, who do you think I am keeping and who do you think is finding a new home? And why? No cheating!!

Here is the run down on my little herd:
Stormy: the slowest most chill horse on the planet, such a little lover, my main driving horse, more whoa than go
Thunder: my sweet tiny little dwarf who might colic if he has dietary changes
Breezy: my birthday boy, born on my birthday, a 2.5 yo very green driving horse, has more go than whoa
Nova: the baby of the bunch who is so stinking cute at just 8 months old

Just for fun, who do you think I should keep? and why? I will post who I am keeping and why in a few days or you can go onto equinenow to find out, but NO CHEATING! Post who you think BEFORE going onto equinenow LOL LOL

It is so hard to downsize as I love them all so much and it truly brings tears to my eyes to know that 2 will be leaving.

Anyone need a couple new additions to their herd?? LOL LOL ♥️♥️
Keeping Stormy and Thunder. Stormy sounds like a steady Eddy, so good choice for easy drives around the neighborhood. Thunder, as he's a dwarf, so keeping is the best way to ensure a good life going forward.
I can't seem to part with anyone, which is why I have more than I need, but not more than I want.
My guess is you are keeping Thunder and Breezy.
Thunder because of his special needs, you want to know he is cared for and no one can do that like you.
Breezy because he will challenge you with his "more whoa than go" as you as you work with the cart and beyond. I think you like a challenge :)

I sit here over thinking and can guess why you can keep them all:D
A hard decision😒
The only one I am sure you are keeping is Thunder....other than that I can't even guess...
I'm sorry you're having to downsize...It must have been so hard to decide who to rehome 😟
Keeping Breezy and Nova. I wish everyone wasn't talking like you are the only one on the planet capable of properly caring for Thunder. I would keep Stormy and Breezy. Stormy for when I want to relax and enjoy,or just not feeling like dealing with green. And Breezy for the chance of having the ultimate driving horse.
Thunder has found a new home! I have had so much interest in him but have been extremely picky about who he will go home with. I have explained all the times he has coliced and about how the vet has sent me home with drugs to give him a shot in the neck in case he does indeed colic again. I’ve informed people that he has to have a dry lot and can’t be on grass nor unlimited hay or he will colic. People have sent me pics of their grassy paddocks in hope it would work, but of course that won’t work. I am very excited to have found him the absolute perfect home!! He will be with 4 new friends who are also dwarfs that require special needs, two of them needing special boots. He will be living on a 35 acre ranch sharing a heated barn with other full size horses and exotics. I think his new owner will be taking better care of him than I am, I don’t have a heated barn after all! 🤣 He is gonna be spoiled rotten!!

Nova will be next to go, but I haven’t had interest in her. Hopefully by the spring/summer she will find her new place.

I decided to downsize, not for financial reasons, but because I want to travel more. I want to be able to pack up 2 ponies and go on camping/driving adventures. I am planning week long trips to Colorado, Tennessee, and the National Drive. I don’t want to leave anyone behind. This is my hobby and my interest and I do not want my hubby to have to take care of them while I am gone nor do I want to hire a pet sitter each time….nor do I want to worry sick about someone colicing while I am gone. So I am keeping Breezy and Stormy, like you said, Stormy for a nice quiet drive and Breezy for the ultimate driving horse ♥️♥️

Let the adventures begin… well, not right now… it’s getting chilly outside… and I have one more horse to find a home for 🤣🤣
I had peeked so I didn't want to comment before but I think you 100% made the right choice for YOU. And I totally agree with Dragon Hill - we often think we're the only ones who would take good enough care of our animals but the fact is that there are a lot of very capable horse people out there. For someone else, Thunder will be the 100% right choice, as will Nova. Congratulations on paving your road to new adventures! :cool:
I decided to downsize, not for financial reasons, but because I want to travel more. I want to be able to pack up 2 ponies and go on camping/driving adventures. I am planning week long trips to Colorado, Tennessee, and the National Drive. I don’t want to leave anyone behind.
Excited for you and Stormy and Breezy. Hope Nova finds a good home too.
Both Thunder and Nova are now at their new homes. I miss them both terribly but as time marches on the pain/sadness/tears lessen each and every day. I know in my heart I have found them both the best homes possible.

I am still getting a few additional things in order but hopefully by spring the weather will be good and I’ll be ready for some really exciting adventures! 🥳

Stormy and Breezy are so bonded and play so well together that I didn’t want to separate them. They are such sweet boys, so happy, healthy and they both are so EASY.

Stay tuned! Lots of fun things planned 😍😍🥰🥰

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