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  1. CharlesFamily

    From Tragedy to Blessings

    What a beautiful story! The kindness of strangers is one of the greatest blessings in this world. I love that Gracie's arms are no longer empty because some wonderful people read the story here on the internet. How amazing! Thank you for sharing and I agree - this story needs to be...
  2. CharlesFamily

    Getting to know each other

    This is such a cool thread! Love reading about everyone! 1. I have a fish phobia - not scared of snakes or spiders but I HATE fish. I have recurring nightmares about fish. 2. I am a closet "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" fan and have been to two conventions - traveled to Chicago and...
  3. CharlesFamily

    My boy Clipped

    Good for Nick and the horse! First clips of the year are always tough - even if you have had a lot of experience! All of that hair and the dirt! I just finished up my horses today - even with a bath first, that winter dust is really hard to get to until after you clip and that longer hair...
  4. CharlesFamily

    First show with my new mini!

    Congratulations! You both look great! Barbara
  5. CharlesFamily

    Price of gas in your area

    Just filled up tonight - $3.87 and that was the cheapest I could find around our area in central Ohio.
  6. CharlesFamily

    Show plans 2011

    I have three definites right now - Buckeye Miniature Horse Club open mini/pony show in Newark, OH on May 14 which will be our first show. Praying that the rain stops sometime before them or we may have to swim! Then our first AMHR show - the Area II Summer Sizzler in Urbana, OH on July 9-10...
  7. CharlesFamily


    Jody, Living in Ohio and my husband and I BOTH being teachers, we are in the same boat if SB-5 doesn't get repealed! Good news that the ballot language for the referendum was approved today - I will be anxiously awaiting signing that petition! Anyway, we have really been trying to cut back on...
  8. CharlesFamily

    Geldings VS Mares (and what about Stallions?)

    I have had stallions, mares and geldings. I absolutely adored my first stallion. He was up for everything - and we did everything and he did it well! My first mare became one of my best friends and I loved her dearly. That said, when it came time to re-acquire minis in my life, I...
  9. CharlesFamily

    To all the moms

    Love this! Thank you for sharing! Barbara
  10. CharlesFamily

    Newest painting

    That is beautiful! I want to live there! You are very talented. Barbara
  11. CharlesFamily

    Not a rant, but a plea.

    Time, treasure or talent - those are the things we are asked to give. If you don't have any treasure to spare - then give your time and talent. I totally agree with the OP - don't just say you support something - do it! At the bottom of my signature is a line about supporting congenital heart...
  12. CharlesFamily

    Pictures of the Twins on their first birthday

    Beautiful pictures! Beautiful babies! And we will be praying for precious Blake. Thank you for sharing those with us. Hugs, Barbara
  13. CharlesFamily

    Opinions Please & appreciated

    I visited your web site and first, let me say, you have a wonderful site! So easy to navigate and wonderfully done! Second - I am DROOLING over your reining horses! I come from a QH background and showing a reiner was my life's dream growing up. I never got there, but I loved looking at your...
  14. CharlesFamily

    Eclipse miniature horse trailer

    I love it! I think they did a great job making your vision become reality. Congratulations! Barbara
  15. CharlesFamily

    Newbies WAKE UP

    Charlotte - I totally agree! And I think THAT is the point exactly that people are trying to make! Again - I don't think the majority of the breeders on here should feel defensive - they are doing it right! They do not have to defend their program - they have invested time, money, heart...
  16. CharlesFamily

    AMHR Transfer Question

    Thanks everyone - and I was mistaken! The pictures on his temporary papers for AMHR are a couple of years old - but they were taken of him what looks like his 2-year-old year - so he is at least mature in those picture and not a foal. And it was summer in the pictures so he looks MUCH better...
  17. CharlesFamily

    AMHR Transfer Question

    Thank you for the responses! I just didn't want to send it all in and have it returned. They are foal pictures on his papers - but if I can leave them I think I will. Our weather here is not conducive to taking nice pictures right now! I would rather have cute foal pictures on them than...
  18. CharlesFamily

    AMHR Transfer Question

    I hope someone can help! I am trying to get all of my paperwork completed and finish transfers for my boys. I didn't get a chance to call the office this week to ask this, so I'm hoping someone here knows the answer. I am transferring and updating one from temporary to permanent - the...