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  1. bluerogue

    New Mom

    I have a mare that buries her afterbirths. Is there any way your girl could have buried it in bedding or something?
  2. bluerogue

    Mare Stare...

    I can't get the plug in thing to download to my machine. It is very frustrating.
  3. bluerogue

    change in diet and cinnamon

    Join the yahoo group called Equine Cushings. They have an extremely large amount of information about IR and Cushings, and the people in the group are extremely helpful. With somewhere over 7000 members, there is always someone on who can answer questions.
  4. bluerogue

    How many of you DID NOT breed for the season..

    We are expecting 3 this year... 2 planned and one "oops". We had someone trespass last October, and they opened gates. Apparently our 5 year old tiny silver buckskin is a one shot wonder, because he managed to get her bred on one cover! These three foals are all potential keepers, and we did...
  5. bluerogue

    New baby

    Oh, he is just too precious! Congratulations! He's going to be a looker!
  6. bluerogue

    Just curious

    We have a silver buckskin whose main and tail are a VERY dark brown... that is easy to mistake for black. He has not been tested yet, but since he is definitely more brown than black, and his mom is a silver bay (we have her too), I'm pretty sure he's silver. I can't post pics, but I'd be happy...
  7. bluerogue

    AMHA Temporary to Permanent

    I just plain forgot! 3 of our horses were supposed to go perm last year, and we just plain forgot to do it.
  8. bluerogue

    Roaning Question

    Well, the only two roaned mares (that could possibly be carrying a pinto pattern without another explanation) I have are rabicano roans. But they are Rowdy bred (mare is Rowdy graddaughter, and her 4 year old filly, who is double Rowdy). But they do have roaning body wide. The filly much more...
  9. bluerogue

    Roaning Question

    I was aware that sabino is polygenous, but I was not aware it can manifest as a roaning pattern. That would be awesome if King does carry a form of sabino. The sabinos are my favorite color patterns, so having it in my herd makes me happy! I guess I'll just have to wait to see if he throws a...
  10. bluerogue

    Roaning Question

    Sabinos don't have to have any white markings? I was focusing research in other directions because I thought it couldn't be sabino, as he has no white markings at all (other than the roaning). Looking at your Mystic's flank and hips, I think you may be right, as that is exactly the type of...
  11. bluerogue

    Roaning Question

    My stallion is a funky colored solid black (I mean to get him tested for cream, as his pedigree is heavy in buckskin- he's usually black, but has also been almost bay or seal brown), with no white markings. His dam is a funky colored black tobiano pinto. His sire is a true blue roan. I have...
  12. bluerogue

    Want a production record for my mare

    Actually, there's a colt in there between the last two. I just haven't gotten his papers in yet. So she's had 5. Rich Girl has a full brother who is now gelded. He's three. Well, that's good to know. Apparently my count was off. It's sad to see her two oldest have been revoked. Hopefully some...
  13. bluerogue

    Want a production record for my mare

    I know my mare Lady has had at least 6 foals (for me and her former owner). She is currently bred again, and due to foal late March/early April. I'm really hoping she has a non red pinto filly (sire is black tobiano). Red pinto would be okay too, as she's always had red based foals (as far as I...
  14. bluerogue

    Do any of you know any of these stallions?

    I was very sad to hear that Ranger had passed on when Genise told me. It was a pasture accident with a mare companion in January of 2004. Apparently she kicked him when he was feeling "frisky". His last foals were born in 2004. I had seen him in person a month or two before, and while he looked...
  15. bluerogue

    Do any of you know any of these stallions?

    Johnston's Starlight Ranger is deceased. He passed on in the winter of 2003-2004, I believe it was. I knew him just before he passed. He was a grand old gentleman. Very gorgeous stallion, friendly, and sired beautiful babies. Genise Inman was his last owner.
  16. bluerogue

    Goats and Minis...good or bad

    We have a alpine type wether (we don't know what his exact breed is, but he's a "bigger" goat) in with our open mares. Poor Frodo gets chased, but they do seem to be okay with him. He gets enough hay, and he has goat buddies that live next door that he talks with through the fence. He does have...
  17. bluerogue

    Prayers needed for Pyro

    Saddletrail, bad experiences with gelding procedures are really quite rare. Pyro's problem was his vet is an idiot, and should never have done the procedure. Thankfully, Pyro appears to be coming out of his experience well, and I will keep him in my prayer that his recovery continues to go well...
  18. bluerogue

    Anybody else have a CLIMBER?

    I have a filly who not only climbs fences, she CRAWLS under them! She was seen belly crawling to get under the fence so she could go graze. She can't be kept in cattle panels (she climbs them), nor can she be kept in regular panels (she crawls under them). So I had to send her back to our family...
  19. bluerogue

    Dentures for horses

    I'm very glad to hear Little Man is doing well. I owned a son for a time. I still have a granddaughter and a grandson. His granddaughter has one of the most beautiful heads on a mini I've ever seen. Give him a hug for me, and please tell him Thank you from me. His two grandbabies I have are both...
  20. bluerogue

    Introducing Our New Stallion

    Roger looks great! I handled him to his regional top three. He's such a sweet horse. A true mini love bug! I guess that's why we bred two mares to him, and still have one of his sons. I love that last photo! Our Danny (his son) trots like that too! Actually, come to think of it, his gelding...