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  1. Little Bits

    Help Liver Problems

    My sister became very ill with a liver problem. They run in my family. The doctors at the time didn't think she was going to make it with out being on dialysis. She was on all types of medicines so she did some research and put her self on milk thistle and has been on it ever since. Her...
  2. Little Bits

    Mini Mule Registry?

    Is there a mini mule registry? I know the donkeys are and can be registered. I am just curious I have never ventured on to this part of the forum so I am not sure if this has been answered before.
  3. Little Bits

    Can a mare be heavy in foal & show strong heat?

    Hi Yes they can show heat while they are in foal. I used to tease mares for a breeding farm. What your mare did was called a temper wash. She probably squealed because her hormones are fluctuating because she is due to foal. Mares when they are not in heat but squeal and pee are basically doing...
  4. Little Bits

    Obstacle training.

    I have been working with my colt who is 1 years old. How do you get them to stand in the hula hopp and walk around with the grain bucket? The hoop doesn't bother him he will stand in, walk over it, let you move it up over his butt. I guess Im trying to teach him to stand and not walk off. I...
  5. Little Bits

    My poor thin rescue Wauk A Way

    I will be the one to agree for the most part as to what has already been posted. However where I disagree is in what type of hay your feeding. I would (IMO) feed last years timothy if you can get any. The drier the hay the better. New hay is fairly rich and they do get diarrhea from it. I have...
  6. Little Bits

    Miniature Horse shows or clubs in your area?

    I wouldn't take no for an answer. I was asked how many horses I could guarantee. We at the time had 5 ponies and that is how we started. Also are there any pinto shows in your area. I don't know if you have pintos. but they do them up here and they are starting to take off. You have to take...
  7. Little Bits

    Miniature Horse shows or clubs in your area?

    We have a 4h club and we had the same problem in our area in Massachusetts. We went to a local stable that hosted fun shows. They were more thatn happy to add up to 8 classes for our minis. We guarenteed them 5 horses and there were other people who brought their minis along. Last fall we went...
  8. Little Bits

    halter showing question

    Yes you would strip them. Someone suggest not to long ago to use a black magic marker on the coronet band so the hoof polish doesn't bleed on to the white parts of the leg. You would be just doing the black part of the hooves of course.
  9. Little Bits

    Overpopulation of miniature horses who's to blame?

    The over population of minature horses who in your oppinion is to blame? Selling uncastrated horses. Registered or pet qaulity, with or without papers who's responsablitliy should it be that the animal does not go out and reproduce? The buyer or the breeder. I know many people sell with geld...
  10. Little Bits

    Skinny pregnant mare I need to vent

    About 6 weeks ago I went and looked at three minis. There was a grumpy mare with her yearling colt still at her side, with the stallion. They were all in the same pen. The people told me she was very grumpy and would let them near the (colt) or wouldn't let him near her. Come to find out the...
  11. Little Bits


    I don't know what I just did:wacko I find this an interesting topic. One question on gelding Johns. I thought they were sterile. Do you geld them because they have the same carictoristic of stallions. Or are the actually functioning and there is no sperm? Just curious.
  12. Little Bits


  13. Little Bits

    Does this look right??

    I agree you need to have his feet taken care of. I was going to suggest what disneyhorse had posted. You need to correct the angle to get the tendons to tighten up so he will resume a natural angle. I would act fast and get it taken care of quickly, because the longer you wait his feet may...
  14. Little Bits

    Quicksilver Show Halters?

    I have bought several quick silver halters. They are made well and I have never had a problem. I too have had many compliments. I love the fact that their is a large variety of colors and selection. And they are inexpensive. Also one note the people who make them started making them for their...
  15. Little Bits

    Stallion Help!!!

    One quick question. Are you keeping this horse to breed to mares? IMO if you are not planning to breed him then why keep him a stallion? How is he being handled and when you are working with him does he have manners? He might have a happy life being a gelding hanging out with other horses. I...
  16. Little Bits

    Barn Question

    I have a cement floor barn. I love it. I have my stalls matted with rubber mats. I use sawdust and they are easy to clean. And i love to be able to sweep the barn out and be able to wash the floors out.
  17. Little Bits

    AMHR Hardship & Mare Trading Questions

    I myself wouldn't do it. His mare being 18 may never have another foal after she foals this time. Older mares are harder to get in foal, and who knows how longer her biological clock will continue to tick. You will also incur shipping fees and hardshipping fees. What if you hardship her and...
  18. Little Bits

    Updated with foal's pictures.....

    Buckskin Pinto that's my vote.
  19. Little Bits

    4 week old colt dropping and mounting the mares

    We had a colt once that was just a real brat. He would come up and rear at you. Try to strike you and was just was out of control. He was just evil. We thought we'd teach him a lesson and we weaned him at 2 1/2 months because he was so out of control. It didn't even faze him. He would beat up...
  20. Little Bits

    mare with mastitis

    I have a friend who had a mare that refused her baby. She was a maiden mare and wanted nothing to do with the foal. They borrowed a goat and mixed the foal lac with the goats milk and feed it to her in a bottle. Eventually they taught her to drink from the bucket by lower the bottle into the...