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  1. L

    I need your experience and advice

    Finally had the vet out today to take x-rays of my mare's face. It appears there is a jog in the thin bone on her face underneath the wound which means it was broken/fractured due to a kick or running into something a while ago, and then when it healed, it didn’t heal straight. Vet said there...
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    I need help,,,suggestions,,please!!

    oops...didn't read all the way sorry--hope she is OK.
  3. L

    I need your experience and advice

    I have a horse that has a similar problem. I owned this mare until she was two years old then sold her and recently had the opportunity to re-purchase her in June of this year. When I arrived to pick her up in June, I was informed that she had been bitten by a brown recluse spider in August of...
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    Persistant Diarrhea in Young Stallion ----> FINAL UPDATE ON 9/24/2009!!!

    I am not sure where you live, but here in Florida we have a problem with sand..and one of the symptoms is wet, runny poop. Some of mine also will chew on the wooden fence which causes wet poop. Have you tried giving Metamucil? Does he have a larger than usual belly? Barbara
  5. L

    Depressing thought but what are your plans

    Sometimes I think I am morbid because I think of this frequently, but then I remember I am a "planner," and this is just another thing I need to plan for. My husband and I have already discussed what HE would do in the event something happens to me--although he likes the horses, he has only...
  6. L

    Would love to see a picture of Sugar Creek White Tie and Tux

    Edited: I have two pictures of Tux--he was last owned by Bev Allen of Painted Perfection Miniatures (I did her website a few years ago). Here he is.
  7. L

    Stallion Age for Breeding

    Thanks to all of you for the info!
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    Stallion Age for Breeding

    Thanks for your response, Anne. I suppose I should have made myself a bit more clear. I do not intend to use this colt for breeding deliberately. He is pastured with an older mare for companionship and he may breed her--that is the only reason I was asking. I have been breeding for a while...
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    Stallion Age for Breeding

    ...but I can't for the life of me find it! At what age can a stallion start breeding mares? I have not found it in the AMHA rulebook either but I am sure it is there (duh). I know th is has been discussed on the forum before, but I can't find the thread. I have a 17-month old colt who is...
  10. L

    Can horses get ear mites????

    Thanks to everyone for their replies! I may have to get the vet out for a professional opinion. I have looked and felt pretty far down in his ears and can't find anything....and I didn't know they could get ear infections, either! Thanks again.
  11. L

    Can horses get ear mites????

    I just read the post from Suz on her itchy horse to see if I could try something different on my own boy....he rubs his ears on the fence, on the stall door...anywhere. I have looked and looked and can't see anything in them. He is rubbing the hair off the edges! I have been putting Desitin...
  12. L

    Lameness in a 2 week old foal... both legs on left side

    Ditto what everyone else says--JOINT ILL. Time is of the essence. I had a filly born three years ago with the same symptoms (only it was the right rear leg). It was my first experience with joint ill and I couldn't possibly figure out how it happened. I was there for the birth and dipped the...
  13. L

    Mares laying down, having pain when in heat....

    Oh, thank you, Rita! I suppose I should have checked the forum FIRST before I posted! I'll do a search.... Barbara
  14. L

    Terminology when describing offspring

    Thanks, Carol. I have always just wondered about this and have never had the time to really's raining again here so had some time to "play."
  15. L

    Terminology when describing offspring

    But why not just say So-and-so is a "son" of Such-and-such, as opposed to saying So-and-So is a "direct son"....what is the difference? A son is a son is a son
  16. L

    Mares laying down, having pain when in heat....

    I have a mare that does this occasionally....and I always thought that she was colicking....but she passes normal manure, eats, etc. and seems normal in every other way. I have also noticed that when it is very hot outside and she is in heat, she will do this (are these two factors related?)...
  17. L

    Terminology when describing offspring

    I have always wondered why horses are described this is it possible that an offspring can be anything BUT a "direct" daughter or son or an "own" daughter or son?
  18. L

    I think I have done it all, trying to get electric bill down

    I chuckled when I read this thread/posts....we are in Florida and it is HOT, HOT, HOT! We are doing everything mentioned here, but we turn our thermostat up to 84 during the day and never below 80 at night. We have noticed a difference in our bill....but, let me tell you, since I work out of...
  19. L

    Things I Have Learned...

    luv2ridesaddleseat, I had been feeding my mare 1/2 cup of 12% sweet feed in the a.m. and p.m., along with a small handful of alfalfa hay and about 1/3 flake of coastal grass hay a.m. and p.m. and turnout on barely-there grass 3-5 hours at least 5x per week, weather permitting. Lately it has...