Things I Have Learned...

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It's comforting to know I am not the only who was fooled and that I share my heartbreak with others in the same position of only having one mare.

Is it just me or do the new foal pics from other members make your heart hurt? I had to delete all my bookmarks on foaling and can't bring myself to view the new foals from other members. (even though I know they are all so cute and hard to resist)

Rockrivertiff that foal and mare are adorable. When I say Indy 500 I mean full out barrel horse turn galloping. LOL Sable has wiped out going this fast!
Oh, lots of spots, I'm so sorry for you too! Now I'm equally wondering about my mare! I can't tell in the pictures, but does your mare have a big "sag" under her belly? My mare isn't even supposed to be due until the end of September!

Are you absolutely sure your mare isn't pregnant? How far along is she supposed to be?

Lots of spots, have you been feeding your mare grain? If so, how much. My girl just gets hay and shes a moose..
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Choclat Dreams, if theres one thing I've learned, it's that Vets are HORRIBLE at detecting mini pregnancy!

See Critter Country? This stuff happens to alot of minis. I don't even know that my mare is pregnant and she is my only mini. It's amazing that these little horses can LOOK so pregnant and not be!

Sooner or later, I'll know for sure also. I just wish these minis didn't FAKE it so well.
Is it just me or do the new foal pics from other members make your heart hurt? I had to delete all my bookmarks on foaling and can't bring myself to view the new foals from other members. (even though I know they are all so cute and hard to resist)

I'm so sorry, that must be really difficult.
Here's hoping that you get the foal you are dreaming of-- if not this year, then soon!
luv2ridesaddleseat, I had been feeding my mare 1/2 cup of 12% sweet feed in the a.m. and p.m., along with a small handful of alfalfa hay and about 1/3 flake of coastal grass hay a.m. and p.m. and turnout on barely-there grass 3-5 hours at least 5x per week, weather permitting. Lately it has been more because it is so dry. Three weeks ago I cut her grain to only 1/4 cup...and I am not talking SCOOP...I mean like you use for baking--hardly anything at all. She stays in a fairly large dry lot with shelter at night so can move around quite a bit for exercise. She looks quite comical when she runs, too. It's like watching a whale with legs. I still have my doubts that she is NOT in foal, even though the vet says no, because she is so large. I won't believe she isn't in foal until the fall
I have not gotten the results of the bloodwork to check her thyroid, but should know later this week. As a side note, I tried to get milk from her udder (which has some development) and could not get any. She has the pad/fatty area in front of her udder and looks like she did when in foal last year. Sigh . . .
Oh Critter Country and lots of spots, guess what?? A VERY knowledgeable breeder that used to own my mini came and looked at her today. She watched her and felt her, and is quite sure she is just FAT! This woman is wonderful and I fully trust her knowledge. I am going to bring my mare over to her place to see if she comes into heat. I fully expect her too and I'm going to breed her to one of her wonderful stallions! I'm just worried about how to get this extra weight off my girl without her being starving and misarable! I guess we'll have to figure it out! May we all some how have a wonderful baby mini next spring!!!!!!
I am doing the same thing. I have been teasing my mare since Thursday. She was bred again today. Heres to hoping we have our cute little bundles of joy next year!! The stallion that I bred her to is an overo, super good looking. Hope it all works out this time!

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