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  1. L

    Things I Have Learned...

    The vet arrived yesterday to palpate my mare. I generally do not have my minis palpated and only do it as a last resort. Verdict: SHE IS JUST FAT! So now that means I've gotta do something about this lard butt! The vet did pull blood to check her thyroid and I will know more Monday...
  2. L

    Things I Have Learned...

    Hmm....crittercountry, I would say no, but luv2ridesaddleseat, I would say definitely YES. I can't stand it anymore myself...the vet is coming tomorrow to check my mare who looks very much like your mare luv2ridesaddleseat! He will palpate her...he's never been wrong yet. I will post when I...
  3. L

    Diet isn't working, mare getting bigger...

    I will be watching to see your new foal, luv2ridesaddleseat, as she really does look like she will foal within 4-6 weeks. I will also let everyone know if I end up with a foal. It may be a little wishful thinking on my part because I lost two this year . I did get a very nice email back from...
  4. L

    Diet isn't working, mare getting bigger...

    I could have written this exact post almost word-for word! I have a mare that could have accidentally been bred through a gate some time between July and Sept. of last year. She will be eight years old this year and has had two foals, the last one in 2007. She looks exactly like she did last...
  5. L

    6 year old gelding

    Here is something else to ponder.....I acquired a 12-y-o mini gelding last year who had a previous case of choke. Whenever he ate grain, he would cough, which would expel the grain out his nose. My vet said to feed him wet pellets...which I did.....that problem was then solved! Good...
  6. L

    Making List of Medications needed for Sick Foal

    Great explanation about probiotics and biosponge--I have used them both. I believe it is "diatomaceous earth"--you can google it and get more info. I also keep lots of syringes to administer mineral oil and metamucil/water (carefully) for the foals if needed.
  7. L


    We test every foal here within 12-15 hours after birth and the foal has nursed for IGG levels. My vet says the new recommended level should be greater than 800. I had a filly born three years ago where she was up almost immediately, frisky and nursing well. I had the IGG test done within 12...
  8. L

    blood testing for pregnancy

    I have used the Equi-Check Equine Rapid Pregnancy Test for 10 years. It tests the eCG in the serum from the blood. I have my vet collect a blood sample in a test tube, let the serum rise to the top (takes anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour), and then the test uses 2-3 drops of serum to...
  9. L

    2 mares not eating grain

    If they are sore or have a fever, sometimes a bit of Banamine will help reduce the fever and also help with the soreness, but always check with your vet first! You are right in not giving the rabies shots until after a mare foals (what my vet recommends). When my horses got sick after their...
  10. L

    2 mares not eating grain

    I would check their temps to see if elevated. Sometimes the flu/rhino shot will cause a reaction with a fever and a lot of horses won't eat grain if they have a fever. What shots did they have?
  11. L

    Newly revised AAEP vaccination guidelines

    I have also re-evaluated my vaccination program in the last few years. Remember, of all these things we vaccinate for, Rabies is the one sure thing that is fatal! I vaccinate for Rabies here in Florida when the horses are old enough (I have heard it is not recommended until they are a year...
  12. L

    VEWT & WNV

    I just had the vet do three of my horses with the combo EWT/WN shot yesterday....this is the first time I have done combo shots in many years (last time I had reactions, but it was a combo with flu/rhino). So far, so problems with the shots yesterday. It seems the shots I see...
  13. L

    LWO question

    This may be a dumb question, but what about appaloosas ... can they carry the LWO gene? ....I assume they can if they have pinto in the background? But, if so, how far back in the pedigree?
  14. L

    STOLEN MINIATURE MARE in Rosedale, Indiana

    Bumping this up again with an update--I don't know how else to do it other than to edit my original post, which I did, and add another post. This is directly from Jan with some leads. If anyone has seen anything, please let her know. Thanks: UPDATE 12/21/07: I have had some updates on...
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    STOLEN MINIATURE MARE in Rosedale, Indiana

    Yes, she's reported it to Net Posse. If anyone has any other suggestions, please post here. Thanks!
  16. L

    STOLEN MINIATURE MARE in Rosedale, Indiana

    My friend's 10-year-old buckskin pinto mare was stolen some time Friday night when she was out of town. All you folks in the Rosedale, Indiana (or surrounding) area please be on the lookout for this mare. The sheriff's department has been notified and flyers are being passed around. Please...
  17. L

    My mare lost her foal

    I am so sorry for your loss...what a beautiful little filly, what a beautiful mare, what a beautiful daughter. I really feel for you....been there before. An angel was needed elsewhere....
  18. L

    Premmie foal with Joint Ill

    I believe that EIA is Equine Infectious Anemia, which is what is tested for when the annual Coggins test is done. It is not the same as EI, Equine Influenza, which is a respiratory disease. I did have a foal that developed joint ill at two days of age (which is kind of early--it usually...
  19. L

    AMHA Membership question

    I am a lifetime member of AMHA, so I don't renew that one...but I did get a reminder in the mail from AMHR a few weeks ago to renew for 2008, which I did (I just received my card today). I would think if you joined now, they would make it for a whole year, but I would call just to check anyway.