2 mares not eating grain

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Well-Known Member
May 5, 2007
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All of our mares got thier annual shots on Sat. Everything went well, except 2 of the mares are not eating much of thier grain. One is due in March and the other in May. They are acting fine, running playing and drinking. They are eating hay but I would love to hear some input. Our mares are grain lovers (well, at least they used to be)
I would check their temps to see if elevated. Sometimes the flu/rhino shot will cause a reaction with a fever and a lot of horses won't eat grain if they have a fever. What shots did they have?
They got the 4 in 1 (E/W Tentnus and influenza). The vet told us to to hold off on rabies and west nile until after they foal. I will check temp. What should I do if they have a temp?
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By chance, could their necks be too sore to eat their grain? I'm not sure how you are feeding the grain but try raising the feed dish on a bale of hay and see if that helps. Just an idea.
I would just offer them a little extra hay for now. I am assuming that they are still eating their hay since you did not say they were off all feed. They should come around in a few days and go back to eating their grain.
They are eating thier hay. But I didnt think about raising thier grain. Thanks I will keep an eye on them.
Take their temps, and by all means, even if they are pregnant, it will not hurt them to be on just hay for the next day or two. Make sure they are drinking enough, you could always soak the hay if needed.
Some times their necks are sore after a shot. I would feed them the hay and grain raised and be sure the water is also raised. If their necks are sore, they don't want to lower their heads so may not eat or drink (which is even more important) enough.
If they are sore or have a fever, sometimes a bit of Banamine will help reduce the fever and also help with the soreness, but always check with your vet first! You are right in not giving the rabies shots until after a mare foals (what my vet recommends). When my horses got sick after their vaccines, it did take some of them a whole week to start feeling better. Im sure they will be just fine, but I always get a bit afraid when they don't eat their grain, which is a sure sign that they don't feel well. I also assume they are pooping OK.

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