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  1. Coventry Lane Farm

    shipper came

    We have had haulers come late at night and very early in the morning to pick up or deliver and even there has been a few times that Scott has actually met the hauler at a parking lot so that it would be easier than to have the hauler come to our place in the dark since there is very limited area...
  2. Coventry Lane Farm

    AMHR 2011 Judges

    AMHR Nationals are also Sept 8th thru the 18th in case you needed those dates, Congress is in July 11 thru the 16th in De Moines Iowa, your welcome anytime....
  3. Coventry Lane Farm

    AMHR 2011 Judges

    Ammy & Youth Judges Janice Silvo Karen Cabic Vanessa Mullen Open Halter Judges Roger Eitel Renee Bush Sandra Guy Fox Performance Judges Cathy Brubaker Sarah Runyan Roger Paruski Futurity Judge will be voted for by members ballot & announced at a later date
  4. Coventry Lane Farm

    So whatchadoingthisweekend?

    Working until noon today, stop at the store on the way home and pick up a few things. This afternoon probably watch the PA Farm Show on the cable network, we have local people in competition there in different horse classes and perhaps make a pot of homemade chicken noodle soup since we have...
  5. Coventry Lane Farm

    How many cups of coffee

    2 cups of coffee at work and on the weekends when I am at home I have tea.
  6. Coventry Lane Farm

    AMHR Stallion Sweepstakes Auction

    Looking forward in seeing what all stallions are being offered for this years auction. We are hoping to be involved in winning a breeding for one of our mares.
  7. Coventry Lane Farm

    What do you do with your "pile"

    We have a 100 Bushel manure spreader and we spread it on the fields, roughly 72 acres of property, about every two weeks for the crops to grow and works great for the dairy farmer that leases our ground for corn, wheat, oats, hay and soybeans.. so he doesn't have to buy as much of fertilizer...
  8. Coventry Lane Farm

    How close is your farm to foaling season?

    We are expecting 5 foals this year, all but one will be ASPC and AMHR regsistered and one Foal will be regsitered only AMHR. All our foals will be nominated in ASPC & AMHR Futurites according with our foals starting from late February till the end of May which two of the mares are maiden and...
  9. Coventry Lane Farm

    Paper work, there has got to be a better way!

    Thanks Julie....for the comments.... One of the biggest reasons that I have everything pretty much in a organized manner with the farm is... my day job is working in the quality control department being assistant to the Quality Control manager at a machine shop. I handle all the documentation...
  10. Coventry Lane Farm

    Paper work, there has got to be a better way!

    I do my paperwork long way before due, stallion reports and breeders certificates are done at the same time and out of the way right after the Nationals, same as the Futurity nominating and sustaining paperwork, mine is already done last week over the Christmas holiday and all I have to do is...
  11. Coventry Lane Farm

    Reminder:Stallion Reports

    I had sent mine all in when I did my membership renewal and have all my Futurity paperwork ready to send in while I had some free time over the holiday...
  12. Coventry Lane Farm


    Welcome from us here at Coventry Lane Fram, we are located 50 miles east of Pittsburgh....
  13. Coventry Lane Farm


    We got our calendar with our AMHA membership a few weeks ago.
  14. Coventry Lane Farm

    wanted to share snow pics

    Very cute fellow Lori, he will be alot of fun for you guys I am sure
  15. Coventry Lane Farm

    Another newbie

    Welcome from all of us here at Coventry Lane Farm, we are located 50 miles east of Pittsburgh Pa. We also have Texas Lornhorn beef cattle and we have a Austrialian cattle dog being a male blue merle which is the smartest dog that I have owned and his name is Sidney, they are amazing dogs. We...
  16. Coventry Lane Farm

    Walnut Hill Driving Competition 2010

    Congratulations Amanda, you look great and those pictures are amazing of you and the whole works....VERY Nice and I bet you were very excited with your awards.....
  17. Coventry Lane Farm

    People who own cows...

    We use two strands of electric fence with T posts and our farm was there since 1769 and so happened in 2000 the farmer that lived beside us sold out and a developer bought the 500 acres and turned it into a golf community and a links course smack up against us so fencing is very critical for us...
  18. Coventry Lane Farm

    Congratulations Triangle Acres

    Congratulations Trace.... I know you do a terrific job showing your ponies, I have seen you in action at the various Congress shows must be very proud for adchieving this award ! Looking forward in seeing you at the 2011 Shetland Congress in Iowa in July
  19. Coventry Lane Farm

    okay we need blankets

    My blankets sizes range from 40 to 54 for using on our Moderns and the 40 size is what my 32.75" inch filly wears. Our 35 inch miniature/shetland wears the 44 and our 41 inch Classic Shetland wears the 50. I bought mostly all of mine from Double Diamond which they have been having some really...
  20. Coventry Lane Farm

    There's a new buckskin in town.

    Congrats on your new buckskin filly, very pretty girl....