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  1. Kendra

    tongue over the bit

    I did switch my youngster from the french link to the mullen sooner than I usually would have because he insisted on putting his tongue over. Hard to say if that helped or if it was just the timing - he was ready to get over it!
  2. Kendra

    Quick Question

    We don't clip except for show, and sometimes not even then if we can get away with it. ;) The colt in my avatar picture wasn't clipped.
  3. Kendra

    How many use heated water buckets??

    If you're trying to decide if you need to provide heated water to your horses, here's some good information from the AAEP:
  4. Kendra

    tongue over the bit

    Is he super new to bitting? It's be inclined to let him carry the bit doing other things (go for a walk, work on showmanship or obstacles) and let him work it out. It's normal for him to mouth the bit at first, and that might include flipping it under his tongue and back again. If he still...
  5. Kendra


    Once a month for maintenance is pretty common. Or, some horses can go once every three months, often combined with Legend. Unfortunately, we haven't been able to get Adequan in Canada now for ages .... hopefully it's back in stock soon! I'm glad to hear it helped him!
  6. Kendra

    Chicken Show

    I know there's lots of chicken people here - thought I'd share my news! This weekend was the APA Canadian National Poultry Show. There were over 800 poultry entries, which is always so much fun to see! My Partridge Chantecler pullet placed Best of Variety, Best of Breed and Reserve Champion...
  7. Kendra

    alien chicken egg!!!!!!!!!

    I got one like that once! So cute ... I've heard them called "fart eggs" ;)
  8. Kendra

    To blanket or not to blanket?

    It boils down to this: most horses don't need to be blanketed. Some do, because they're thin, or old, or sick, or have a compromised winter coat, or just plain don't do well in the cold. Sounds like you are lucky to have horses without any of those concerns, in which case, you're right. They...
  9. Kendra

    How many use heated water buckets??

    I used heated pails all last winter and have so far this winter too - until our automatic waterers are installed, which will be soon I hope! We've already had a solid week of 20 below, and our pails (in every size up to muck bucket) worked awesome! They are all outdoors. Our pails all came with...
  10. Kendra

    Weight Loss Woes

    I think you're definitely on the right track to have the vet look at their teeth. As well, at this time of year parasites can be encysted, and won't be shedding eggs to show up on a fecal egg count. Late last summer my old guy was losing weight mysteriously, accompanied by bloodwork that showed...
  11. Kendra

    To blanket or not to blanket?

    Saw this on facebook, made me think of this topic. ;) As you can see, it's a straightforward issue.
  12. Kendra

    My new rooster

    Tribble is a great name for a Silkie. Congrats on the new addition! My friend's daughter raises silkies - they're so mellow. I was helping give ILT vaccines, and I couldn't believe how quiet they are. Of course, I'm comparing them to my Partridge Chanteclers, who are social, but not amenable to...
  13. Kendra

    Natural Living

    Our horses live outdoors 24/7 with access to run in sheds. They do very well in our coldest, winteriest weather here in the great white north. We monitor them closely and make sure they have lots of roughage to help them keep warm. Winter coats can hide a multitude of sins, so we check condition...
  14. Kendra

    To blanket or not to blanket?

    I'm not into blanketing either, but if I had an older horse who was having difficulty keeping weight on in the winter, despite a proper diet (ie - senior feed), then I would certainly consider a blanket. If he doesn't have to use all his energy to keep warm, he can use it for weight gain instead.
  15. Kendra

    Keeping your miniatures

    Horses do best outdoors as much as possible. Our barn is generally used only for foaling or other special circumstances. Every horse has access to a run in shed so they can get out of the wind or rain or snow if they choose, but they are outdoors in all weather - and we get a lot of weather. ;)
  16. Kendra

    Slow Feeder hay nets/bags

    We use Eco-Nets. They have a 3/4" and even a 1/2" option, and nets in all sizes from 2 flake to round bales.
  17. Kendra

    Leading a Stubborn Horse

    Make sure you are back at the horse's shoulder and push forward with your right hand to ask them to move. If they get stuck like you describe, ask for a sideways step first, to "unlock" them.
  18. Kendra

    Flip Flops

    Sounds like he's not engaging his hindquarters correctly, whether due to poor movement/musculature or joint pain. He's not a youngster, if I remember correctly? If he were mine, I would try him on a joint supplement (4Cyte is very good, or Legend), and start concentrating on helping him work...
  19. Kendra

    Who still has his first miniature?

    We started with three weanlings in 1981. One of those was a mare named Martin's Bunny who was the matriarch of our herd until we lost her suddenly in 1997. Today, we still have 9 horses in our herd who are Bunny descendants.
  20. Kendra

    Knowing when to listen to your horse

    Good for you for figuring out what she was telling you! The other day I was driving my greenie. It's taken him a while to be comfortable pulling the cart on the rough ground here - he's now steady and confident at the walk, so I asked for a trot. He trotted three steps, scooted sideways, and...