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Mar 19, 2013
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Abbot, Maine

When it comes to clipping minis what time during the year do you find it best to clip? and what clipper size? I've done some reading up on the internet but I feel its best to ask everyone here to get a general idea. Its for just regular clipping to help them out with there thick coats when warmer weather comes around. Thank you for your help.
I usually start in April if its decent temperatures and usually blanket them if the nights are still dipping down low. Mine get so much hair since we are in the north the first cut always looks horrible to me so by the time if grows out again the shows kick up and I can get a nice looking cut. For the winter shave I use just a #10 blade and then of course for shows I use different ones; just if its just a general cut I will use #10s.
For me it depends on when the show is. This year we had a show at the beginning of April so I clipped in March (about 3 weeks before) and did a few touch ups before the show. I usually clip a week before the show, but it may change based on weather and work. A #10 is all you need for a basic body clip.

If you aren't showing you may want to wait till late April-May.
For showing, we always have liked to clip several weeks before the first show and then re-clip

a couple days before leaving. Their coats come out looking better.

We use a No.10 blade usually, unless the horse has lots of white, then we use No.8
In Ohio, not until after Mothers day to be safe from needing to blanket. Otherwise, wait until days are consistently warm and nights as well.

#10 blades are used here for show and comfort clipping. Some minis shed out well, some don't, just play it by ear.
Last year at Christmas time i asked my daughterin law to trace clip my bay mini (who was a bush) . she shaved him with a 10 blade. sooooo of course the weather went north and we had 3 blankets and a hood on him allll winter. it was a terribly cold winter and when i finally took his blanket off i was shocked to see he had grown NO more hair. he was still shaved. and his mane had grown a good 6 inches. so take it from there. depends on what you want. if you want to use him all winter, weather permitting, that worked really well. if you dont want to be bothered with blanketing, then i would let him be until the warm weather settles in. good luck.
We don't clip except for show, and sometimes not even then if we can get away with it. ;) The colt in my avatar picture wasn't clipped.
My show horse i clip about May with a t84 then show clips in a 15, my driving mare i clip when she starts to sweat which is about april may too and then clip her again in about august but leave the legs on, then a working clip in about Dec, always a t84.

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