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  1. Kendra

    I need help choosing a driving bit?

    Oh crap - can't edit my post anymore? Of course, that was supposed to be "I've tried a MYLER" of course. I hate typos ...
  2. Kendra

    I need help choosing a driving bit?

    I drive pretty much all my horses in a half cheek mullen. I've tried a Mullen - used it on 3 horses, two didn't drive any different than they did in the $15 mullen, and the third (who I bought it for) hated it, so I sold it. There's so little room in a Miniature Horse mouth, I think the less...
  3. Kendra

    Anyone care to share the most unusual way they have hauled their mini?

    I haul a horse in my van all the time. But my van has a safe standing stall for the horse, which would keep him from becoming a projectile if we did get in an accident. If you do go with a "non-traditional" hauling option, please be sure that it is safe for both the horse and for yourself.
  4. Kendra

    Artificial Insemination information

    At the clinic where I work, it's $800 to have your mare bred one cycle with cooled shipped semen, not including board, any flushes that are necessary, stud fee or shipping fees. We breed up to 80 mares a year through cooled and frozen semen, but we've never bred a Miniature mare anything other...
  5. Kendra

    Can you identify this item?

    Look like hoof testers - wish I had a set of my own, they're pretty handy!
  6. Kendra


    I have a John Blehm hen in my flock!
  7. Kendra

    My new pairs

    What brand is your carriage? I wouldn't worry about mismatched colours ... much easier to drive a team that's alike in stride than in colour!
  8. Kendra


    Love my chickies too! I have Partridge Chanteclers mostly, one Ameraucana and now a few chicks who are a cross between the two. I got a trio of the PChants 3 years ago, now have 12 adult birds and 13 chicks with more to come ... Partridge Chanteclers are notoriously broody. Also have recently...
  9. Kendra

    Leaving Halters On.....No!

    I disagree with saying that if your horse is hard to catch you don't spend enough time with them. That's an unfair generalization. The best trained horse can be difficult to catch in the right situation, and to be honest, I'd question the cleverness and ambition of any horse who was too easy to...
  10. Kendra

    Leaving Halters On.....No!

    In my experience, the people who leave horses out in brushfilled (or junk filled) pastures in ill fitting nylon halters never have any issues and will loudly defend their choice. It's the careful, caring horse owner who leaves the halter on the foal just long enough to run to the house for a...
  11. Kendra

    CDEs...... Help? Advice? More help?

    Hi Rachel! You should definitely try CDE, I think you'd really enjoy it. Love the questions you're asking! I recommend the book Carriage Driving - a logical approach through dressage training by Heike Bean. A CDE needs lots of volunteers, so that's a great way to get your feet wet and see what...
  12. Kendra

    Shedding-why some horses do and don't

    Your pair are both fairly "mature" aren't they? (I didn't want to call them "old" and hurt their feelings!) Might be worth a discussion with your vet about PPID (Equine Cushings) since they're of the age - anything 14+ can be more prone to developing Cushings. Course, the two we have that are...
  13. Kendra

    AMHA new Halter Stock Horse Division!

    But isn't this the kind of horse that the standard of perfection calls for? And isn't this the kind of horse horse that should be winning the halter classes? Just a thought ... I would hate to see Miniature Horses end up like the Quarter Horses, so specialized in their breeding that halter...
  14. Kendra

    AMHA new Halter Stock Horse Division!

    While I do prefer "using" horses, my initial thought reading this is, "Really? MORE classes?"
  15. Kendra

    Large Hay Bale Nets - Has Anyone Used Them?

    We are very happy with our small mesh round bale nets from Eco-Nets. Keeps them from breathing the dust, protects their eyes, and eliminates waste. They climb all over the bale, drag it around ... we've used them through several winters now.
  16. Kendra

    Are these drugs safe for foundered minis?

    Doxycycline is an antibiotic. I think it would be safe to give a foundered horse, but I don't know why you would. I'll have to poll my brain trust (the five equine veterinarians I work with) ;)
  17. Kendra

    Ulcers? Weather?

    Sounds very much like ulcers to me. Usually at our clinic they prescribe 28 days of Gastroguard to heal the ulcers, then re-scope to confirm that everything is healed up. Alfalfa is definitely the way to go as far as feed to help protect his stomach. No whole grains for sure, only extruded...
  18. Kendra

    When to introduce the bit?

    Let him carry the bit while doing other things ... working on showmanship or other ground work (leading him from the halter so the bit is just 'there") or even just while hanging out in his pen provided you are able to keep a very close eye on him. Let him get comfortable with wearing it before...
  19. Kendra

    Slow Feeders & Feed/Grain Choices?

    We use Eco-Nets and we've been very happy with them. I just attended a seminar on preventing colic and gastric ulcers, and "grazing" so that there is continually food in the stomach is so important. As well, she strongly recommended never, ever feeding grain (oats, barley, corn - complete feeds...
  20. Kendra

    Combined driving information needed!!!!!!

    Here's an article about getting ready for your first combined driving event. Have fun!