Okay, I harnessed him up briefly just to get everything adjusted and I think it fits great. I believed he was ready for the bit as the harness was nothing for him. So, I attached a piece of rope to the two sides of the bit to go over his head behind his ears. I put the bit in his mouth and he took it very easily (probably because he thought I was putting a treat in his mouth). He was very good and was just chomping away, which I expected. I stood beside him while he was tied and lead him around for maybe 5 minutes until he got a little quieter. I fed him treats throughout the session and he learned to eat them very easily. I took it off after the 5 minutes and gave him a little break. Then I put it in one more time, it took some persuasion to get the bit in this time. I only left it in for 30 seconds this time and fed him another treat. So overall I would call it a success! I'll do another session today and see how it goes. I think I'm going to focus on getting him used to the bit rather than the harness as he doesn't need much work on accepting the harness.