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  1. P


    very good looking! i'm hoping for a few of those myself in the fall, bred to my spotted jack are two spotted jennets, and a chocolate whose mother was spotted. congratulations!!
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    New picture of Pepper

    he's adorable...
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    Reading I did....

    awesome Bonnie, i have never been bored or disappointed by one of your stories... LOVE this one too! and HAPPY BIRTHDAY, i didn't know...
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    Pictures of my mini donkey, Sparky

    my favorite is the second where the little imp is trying to get the chain off the gate. notice the piece of grass sticking out of his mouth in the third, adds a comic touch to his serious face. he is so cute!!!
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    A Little Brag on Betsy

    great job Betsy!!!!
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    We have a baby

    hurray for Lily! what an absolute sure to add Cadi's picture to the thread for 2008 foals at the top so Clementine is not all by herself anymore!!!
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    Happy Happy Joy Joy

    hey Flatcreek i LOVE your avatar that's a wonderful picture!
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    Waiting, Waiting, Waiting................

    finally Clementine has company! i was beginning to think she would be the only baby this year lol congrats!
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    Please tell me the different thing I need to know

    i'll second that - donkeys are NOT stubborn - PEOPLE are IMPATIENT!
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    Happy Happy Joy Joy

    we have (had) 3 jacks and this weekend i got good news on each of them! went to Utah to visit my oldest for 4 days, turns out it was the best time for the vet to come geld our Trooper, so Randy handled everything while i was gone. Trooper did fine and i think once the hormones are dissipated...
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    Having surgery to remove Lola...she is not my friend!

    all the best to you Peggy! and so long Lola!!
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    I like Blogger!

    i have one too! see link in signature below... anyone who wants to link to it, feel free i am so hooked! my friend Mikey the farrier nagged me till i got started. i love hers... most of my blog links i have found through her. check out my list, she is hilarious as are several of the others...
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    Cheaper by the Dozen?

    i cannot for the life of me explain why my husband, who said we had too many dogs when there were only 8, suddenly insisted that we get another ankle-biter to keep Darci company (right now Sherman is an inside dog since he is so young and so small, but once he grows up, he will most likely be...
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    Need an Idea for the dogs...

    i'm no help... my dogs have shredded everything i have given them :DOH!
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    herd dynamics

    thanks crackerjackjack, that was EXACTLY the kind of info i was looking for regarding your situation, and lots of details... thanks SO MUCH!!!! interesting that Lily came from a place with lots of donkeys but wants her space...
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    herd dynamics

    that's ok CeMom i was hoping more would answer, it's just knowing her herd since it's so small, i knew it would be relative. i'm sure lots more have herds with different dynamics that could sure add to this. thanks for the info!
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    moving with horses

    we've only moved once with horses, and we had 6 big ones and 3 minis. we moved from downtown Phoenix out to Wittmann, about an hour + drive, so not hard. BUT we had no fencing at the new place other than a perimeter fence, so we turned out the 3 minis and loaded their pen on the flatbed and...
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    Rain...Rain....Mud Mud Mud

    well y'all could send a little of that water to us! we had a few nice storms, enough to grow a HUGE crop of weeds :DOH! it is supposed to be in the 80s this weekend which means next week it will be summer <sigh> we generally get one really nice week of spring and one really nice week of fall...
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    herd dynamics

    the folks who are adopting Fred, the rescue donkey, have asked me a question that i'd like some input on. they have 2 riding horse geldings, and have also purchased our foal Clementine and will be purchasing another mini donkey foal to be her buddy. the plan was for Fred to share a pasture...