I was doing readings at a stable a few days ago and a woman wanted to know if her horse liked it when he saw her coming.
This is a very common question that owners have me ask animals.
But this time I got a kind of a strange answer, he told me she "krinkles" when she walks and he has to jog very very slowly. I was a little taken aback but then I thought, oh well she probably brings him treats in a plastic bag! And he probably did western pleasure.But also when he said that the whole energy in the room shifted from playful and fun to absolutely stillness for a few minutes. I nside I went hmmm....but just went on.
After I was done for the day and I was getting ready to leave, people always come up and chat which is my favorite time.
When the lady who horse said she krinkeled came up again, the energy shifted and everyone else kind of left the area. She came up and thanked me for the reading and I asked her about what her horse said, did she understand? She paused and said she had a colostomy bag!
She told me her and her trainer had looked a very long time for the right horse that would be safe and smooth for her, and this horse seemed to understand he had to be careful with her.......... isn't that awesome that he understood that?
And of course I asked her permission to post this.
This is a very common question that owners have me ask animals.
But this time I got a kind of a strange answer, he told me she "krinkles" when she walks and he has to jog very very slowly. I was a little taken aback but then I thought, oh well she probably brings him treats in a plastic bag! And he probably did western pleasure.But also when he said that the whole energy in the room shifted from playful and fun to absolutely stillness for a few minutes. I nside I went hmmm....but just went on.
After I was done for the day and I was getting ready to leave, people always come up and chat which is my favorite time.
When the lady who horse said she krinkeled came up again, the energy shifted and everyone else kind of left the area. She came up and thanked me for the reading and I asked her about what her horse said, did she understand? She paused and said she had a colostomy bag!
She told me her and her trainer had looked a very long time for the right horse that would be safe and smooth for her, and this horse seemed to understand he had to be careful with her.......... isn't that awesome that he understood that?
And of course I asked her permission to post this.