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  1. M

    World magazine - An unobstructed View from the Center Ring

    I read the article mentioned above which is filled with EXCELLENT information that is very useful. However, I was a bit taken aback by the fact that 3 of the 12 points speak to women and their attire. Though I agree they are good points to make, did it take 3 separate paragraphs to address...
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    Build up muscle?

    Do you have a treadmill? If so, that works pretty well. Otherwise, round pen, running behind a golf cart or something similar. Congrats on your last show.
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    AMHR papers (color)

    Did you get her the permanent papers or did she come with them. Sometimes, unless you point it out, they go with the original color. She may have been born looking black and over time turned grey. We have had that happen, so it is a simple correction with the registries.
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    AMHA reg pros!

    I would suggest you call the AMHA office. They are very helpful folks and should be able to direct you properly.
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    Concern and curious over older gelding lying down

    I think he is just enjoying the sun. Our older horses and mini donkeys do the same thing......
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    Strangles vaccination

    Thanks Dr. Taylor!
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    Strangles vaccination

    Thanks Amanda.......see you on Saturday if not friday!!
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    Strangles vaccination

    We just gave the show horses their second strangles vaccination and about 1-2 days later, all the yearlings had a fever between 102.5 and 103.5. Anybody else experience something that? They didn't get a fever with the first dose but its consistent this time and thats all we can come up with...
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    Crayonbox first & only foal

    Very nice
  10. M

    Mark Bullington-The Loss of Someone Special

    Oh no, that is awful. He was so young......
  11. M

    together or separate?

    Adult stallions (3+ years) in their own pasture, 2 and 1 yr old stallion/geldings together and everybody else together. Typically our horses get weaned together, so that weaning class ends up staying together until we have to separate the stallions at a year. They are herd animals and even when...
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    Every class is $5 and every winner gets a bag of Purina feed

    I encourage everyone in the area who shows performance to try and make it to this show. I was there last year and it was a great time! Bob and Mary have a gorgeous farm and setting for this type of event and its a guaranteed good time!
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    Bute for mini donkeys

    Thanks Chandah. He gave us the paste and we aren't having problems giving it to her.
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    Bute for mini donkeys

    We have had miniature horses for many years but just got our first two mini donkeys a couple of months ago. Mama pulled her tendon in her back leg and vet gave us Bute for it. I know that Bute is a no-no for mini horses, is it also a no-no for mini donkeys?? Looking for advice and...
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    Roach back - does it happen in non-dwarves?

    I just don't see a roach back here. Maybe he is cold or nervous like Sandee mentioned?? Of course a picture isn't as accurate as being with him in person, but I just don't see an issue.
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    Breeding minis

    Ha ha Nathan........needed a giggle first thing monday morning
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    Maybe you can post on Facebook too. There are an awful lot of horsie people on Facebook.........
  18. M

    Minimally expressed dwarf being bred...advice

    Is your friend open to some education? Could you pull up pics and stories from the internet of dwarfs and show her the facts about the difficult lives these animals face? I don't know, it seems a losing battle at times. Heard recently from someone who went to a prominent sale and the highest...
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    Experience with blind or "dummy" foals? Advice needed quickly

    Our dummy did the same thing. She refused to lay down and we had to "teach" her how to do it. Ours wouldn't take a bottle, only a bucket for 4 days and stumbled around the first couple of days. Ours was definitely squeezed as I had to help her out of her mother. 4 days after birth, she was...
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    AMHA look-up

    Looking at the AMHA Studbook Online, Noblebrook's Tornado Dancer is listed. NOBLE BROOKS TORNADO DANCER A 112431 03/30/2000 S