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  1. M

    Horse who doesn't like hay

    Definitely have the equine dentist come out. Classic signs of dental issues that could be immediately remediated by a good float
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    feeling a little unwelcomed!

    Welcome and congrats, a friend of mine bought a sister of his earlier this year. As far as the forum goes, occasionally someone gets hazed--I know I did--but it was a partly due to my own naivete. Some threads are like the worst episode of TMZ and others are more valuable than if you were in a...
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    As YOU Age, Does Your View on Horse Ownership Change?

    I think about this some times. I was 45 years old when I saw my first mini and fell in love. So, I married their owner and have been enjoying their company for the last 6 years. I think about how old I will be when this year's babies will be 20, and it's a sobering thought. It has factored into...
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    Wishes for 2012

    Be careful Amanda, I might just take you up on that......ha ha.
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    Wishes for 2012

    I want more judges and show managers who are able to do both AMHR and AMHA. As someone who is on a show committee for a local club who INSISTS upon offering both an AMHR and AMHA show, this can be difficult. To keep costs down, we try and find judges who can do both and are somewhat local...
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    Who else gets tired....

    Amen WildHorses, Milo, Jean B and the others. Thought it a ridiculous statement to begin with, and a bit hypocritical. We all love good shots of our horses, and we expect our professional pics to show the very best of that horse. To say all professional photographers doctor and falsify their...
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    What would it take to get you to come and show a sanctioned show in Canada?

    I was joking when I said leaving my first born at the border. My kids are grown. . . It was more a statement on potential issues with border crossing. Thanks for the info on shows. Would definitely be interested in a show near the Winnepeg area that was sanctioned (AMHR or AMHA or better yet...
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    Who else gets tired....

    I do not agree that "every professional shot is doctored". Some are, others are not. I have seen some absolutely fabulous candid shots taken in the ring and then immediately uploaded for all to view at a show and they were not doctored. I understand, however, the point you are making so, why...
  9. M

    how many foals

    Ours are about 50% during the day and the other 50% between 10PM and 5AM. Each mare is pretty consistent with their favorite foaling time. We have mares that always foal during the day and others that always foal during the night. We even have a mare who will NOT have her baby until she is in...
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    What would it take to get you to come and show a sanctioned show in Canada?

    We live in west central Minnesota and would consider coming to a show in Canada if there is something fairly close over the border. Takes us about 8 hours to get to International Falls, so perhaps a show in the south western Ontario area would work. Also, don't want to leave my first born at the...
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    AMHA Gelding Incentive

    Atta girl Marlee.......don't ya just love it when THEY bring in a little bit of cash........instead of the normal feed and lead routine.... Really nice picture too....Happy Thanksgiving!!!
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    Our Nationals photo - we are still on cloud 9

    Beautiful animal! Congratulations!
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    What age do YOU wean??

    4-5 months generally, but it really depends on the horse. We tried to wean the filly that had the broken leg this year at about 5 months old and she was not ready. Made sense given all the time she spent in a smaller area with just her mother; she was a little behind on the "socialization"...
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    God bless you and your family Kathey. Sounds like they didn't want to be apart and what a blessing to have had 65 years together.
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    I've lost another one

    Oh no, not again! We are so sorry.......
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    Goodbye See The Light

    Thanks for sharing this heartbreaking and heartwarming story. Though we all hate to see them go, I always get a good feeling when I hear about a beloved animal who got to live that long and had, at least while with you, a great life! She got lucky.... A grand old girl who got lucky! Mary
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    AMHA 2011 Final Honor Roll Standings

    We got the grand under all three judges.....thats what I thought was weird....exact same results in the class and in the grand ammie class.....thanks for your help! Maybe I will call AMHA next week and see how that works.....
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    AMHA 2011 Final Honor Roll Standings I am intrigued. Went to the show results section of the AMHA website and I am really confused now. Our stallion got first under all three judges in AOTE Sr Stallion and was awarded 2 points under one judge and 1 point under each of the other judges. How can that be? Same placing...
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    AMHA 2011 Final Honor Roll Standings

    I knew they were automatically calculated for AMHR, wasnt sure about AMHA. There must be a minimal number of points one has to attain. Showing in one show aside from centrals and world probably wasn't enough.....LOL
  20. M

    AMHA 2011 Final Honor Roll Standings

    How does the honor roll thing work? Do you have to enter something or fill out a form?? Reason I am asking is our sr stallion won ammie and AOTE and the grand sr stallion under all three judges at the one regular show he went to. Then at Centrals, he got the reserve ammie and reserve AOTE sr...