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  1. Alisha514

    New developments!

    Gosh I wish this was on mare stare. I want to watch soooo bad. LOL. Good luck and I hope she has this baby tonight! Alisha
  2. Alisha514

    Making sure your mare takes on a breeding

    Ok. So I have this mare that I am going to breed to an outside stallion. He can only cover her One month. She has not had a foal since '07 I got her in July of last yr and she was in heat for a long time and the vet had to give her a shot to make her come out. I am not sure if this is normal for...
  3. Alisha514

    Zephyr Woods Foals-10th A FILLY!!!!!!!!! by Ginger 10:30 pm

    Awwww Kitty, He is to cute!!! Congrats! Alisha
  4. Alisha514

    Anyone want to guess on my mare?

    She looks ready now. I would say as soon as her milk test ready its a go and it looks like that can change at any min. Goodluck.. I know how frustrating this can be. Alisha
  5. Alisha514

    Bonny..Has she foaled?

    I just realized that I havent seen a updated post about Bonny. Did I miss it? Still no Foal? Alisha
  6. Alisha514

    When do you think she will go?

    LOL. I really dont care as long as its healthy but that said.. I want my buckskin colt. I have a feeling either way "it" will be a keeper.. This baby means so much to me because she lost her first one last yr. I tried getting milk today and her udder is bigger today then yesterday but I cant get...
  7. Alisha514

    When do you think she will go?

    Shes been Ving since last week. I did feel that baby today. He was just kicking and moving around the udder/flank area. I think hes getting into place.. We have been keeping an eye on her big time. I have her under camera now. Im so excited! Is it possible for me to not get any fluid from her...
  8. Alisha514

    When do you think she will go?

    I have to start off and say I just can't wait for this foal. I have been dreaming about it for the last couple of nights. LOL. This foal is going to mean a LOT. Bahama lost her first foal last yr about 2 months early so this baby is very important to me. She is due April 10th so that makes her...
  9. Alisha514

    Show halter for a Minimal Bay Pinto

    See thats what I was thinking in my original post but someone said no to black. On your bays the black with gold looks really nice. Alisha
  10. Alisha514

    Show halter for a Minimal Bay Pinto

    I think I do like the gold on the red horses. I have a show halter with gold hardware on the nose band. Is this style popular or should I get one with a pantent nose band (i think thats what they are called?) The only pic I have of the halter is on my pal. pinto mare. I do realize the halter...
  11. Alisha514

    Show halter for a Minimal Bay Pinto

    Would Love more input and pics! Alisha
  12. Alisha514

    Show halter for a Minimal Bay Pinto

    I like the blue on bays also. I have a royal blue show jacket that I plan on showing in. So you think gold piping would be better then silver? Thanks, Alisha
  13. Alisha514

    Show halter for a Minimal Bay Pinto

    Hi. I was wondering what is the best looking color of halter for a minimal bay pinto. No white on the face. I was thinking of a black with gold piping or blue with silver piping? What do you think? Maybe those that have bays in a show halter can post pics of theirs? Thanks, Alisha
  14. Alisha514

    Yes - You CAN Breed to that Dream Stallion

    Ok. Thanks, is it absolutly nessesary to show the resulting foal at nationals? Im worried that by next yr I may find out I cant make it to nationals or can't find someone to show the foal. Alisha
  15. Alisha514

    Yes - You CAN Breed to that Dream Stallion

    I have a question. Can you have someone else show the foal at nationals? I would like to bid but I dont think I would be able to make it to nationals to show the foal. Alisha
  16. Alisha514

    We gonna have a baby at Erica's tonight

    OMG She's all legs! Congrats Alisha
  17. Alisha514

    Introducing my TWO newest GIRLS!!

    Congrats!!!! They are sooo Pretty I expecially love the bay pinto. Is she going to roan like her dam? Alisha
  18. Alisha514

    Sending Double Ks out to be serviced

    Could you PM me with information for them like a phone number,email, or website? Alisha
  19. Alisha514

    Sending Double Ks out to be serviced

    I need to send my double K clippers off to get serviced and my blades out to get sharpened for Spring comes and I get to shave all the ugly hair off my lil ones. Where can I send them off to? Ive seen several ads for Double K service but not sure which one is the best. Any help would be nice...
  20. Alisha514

    If money were no option.....

    I would love to buy from LKF a buckeroo son and a really nice filly from Erica. Alisha