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  1. Lizzie

    What should I do with Josie and what is happening

    It sounds as though she is coming along beautifully Kay. She certainly is a little pistol, isn't she. I noticed on your website, you are offering riding lessons on your mare, once the baby is weaned, for those 100 lbs or less. Do please, think twice about this. I think your nice mare is only...
  2. Lizzie

    Mare Won't Let Foal Nurse

    Bad mothering, if often genetic. If it were me and she still doesn't like this year's foal, I would not breed her again. Lizzie
  3. Lizzie

    Adopting from Humane Society

    Senior/older dogs, are sadly the very last to be adopted. Same with black dogs. For some reasons people don't like black dogs. Puppies and young dogs, can usually find homes. We adopted a senior dog. He was 10 at the time. Lived until just over 16, so we did have several good years with him...
  4. Lizzie

    Miniature Pinscher

    I understand your thinking Leeana, although a pup (of any breed I think) would still be as high energy, as a grown Min Pin or other high energy breed. Lizzie
  5. Lizzie

    Any color experts still around? Gotta color question

    I think I'm voting for buckskin on the colt at this point. Don't think he's silver at all. Difficult to tell about the dam. She seems to have some bit of smutty about her. If she were silver bay, I'd expect to see her mane and tail more silvery/greyish, rather than the cream colour they look to...
  6. Lizzie

    Movie Recommendations

    If you like those Susanne, you'd love Poldark. Anyone watching Doc Martin? Another fab English series. Lizzie
  7. Lizzie

    Movie Recommendations

    My husband is a huge movie fan and likes westerns. I started watching them, purely because of the enormous amount of cruelty which goes on, connected to the horses used. And that, long after the SPCA got involved. I'm sure it looks 'tough', to those who don't know horses, to see them yanked...
  8. Lizzie

    Adopting from Humane Society

    Lovely story Susanne. My daughter recently adopted a Chihuahua x Min Pin, adult female. Guard dog to the extreme and with a surprisingly huge bark. She sounds like a much larger dog, if you don't see her. Adores her new family, but have no doubt she would bite if pressed. We have adopted...
  9. Lizzie

    Movie Recommendations

    We are great lovers of movies, in our house. Moreso, since we became older. My two favourites, are.. Far From The Madding Crowd. Once Upon A Time In The West. We also like.. Goodfellas. Mrs. Brown. The Queen. The Young Victoria. The Ghost Writer. And lately, we've been very into old...
  10. Lizzie

    Adopting from Humane Society

    Leeana, have you seen this? Lizzie
  11. Lizzie

    Miniature Pinscher

    So sorry to hear about Sassy, Leeana. They do leave a big hole in the heart, don't they. Never owned a Min Pin, but been around a few. As shorthorsemom said, they are extremely high energy. Need to be kept busy. Need obedience training. Known for being barkers. Good watchdogs. Some say they are...
  12. Lizzie

    Mini mare in foal, not sure when she's **updated MORE photos**

    Ah ha. No wonder she's pretty. I love Revelation. His sire is Little Kings White Russian and his dam, Fishers Dun Intrigue. LK White Russian, is a son of Boones Little Buckeroo x LKs Buckeroo Cameo. I think, Crown Meadow Bonnie Petit was black. Not absolutely sure though. I'm tending to think...
  13. Lizzie

    Mini mare in foal, not sure when she's **updated MORE photos**

    Have no idea when she will foal, but what a pretty mare you have there. What is her breeding? Lizzie
  14. Lizzie

    Let's put some faces to some names!

    Lovely to see some very dear friends here. A pic of Tony and me, when we renewed our vowes five years ago. Am seventy one now. Yikes. How time flies. Tony had a birthday, yesterday. He's now sixty six. I didn't set out to be a cougar. Honestly! Lizzie
  15. Lizzie

    Stallion ate my broccoli plants

    I'm quite sure he'll be ok. His mum must have told him to eat his broccoli. Lizzie
  16. Lizzie

    Please Pray for Mark Bullington

    I have known Mark for several years now. A wonderful man and the best announcer in any breed shows. I am dreadfully sorry to hear this. I'm not on FB so had no idea things have turned out as they have. Sending lots of prayers and gentle hugs, his way. Lizzie
  17. Lizzie

    What should I do with Josie and what is happening

    I'm so glad you finally came over here Kay. I know Kay is very young and in school. However, I do find it a bit 'off', that on the advice of several on the other forum and who are also members here, you would come here and then run down those who tried to help you daily, with excellent advice...
  18. Lizzie

    question for dog breeders

    I think brasstackminis was speaking of the Continental Kennel Club. It's a registry in the US, which will register anything. Someone registered their big toe with them a few years back, to prove the point. Those who have unregistered dogs of any kind here, often register with them. Sadly, many...
  19. Lizzie

    Are minis a thing of the past?

    I think there will always be a place, for fanciers of the 34" and under. The quality is improving all the time, by those responsible breeders, who sincerely have the good of the breed at heart. I do hope however, that poorly bred, unregistered Minis, do become a thing of the past. Don't see it...
  20. Lizzie

    Checking on possible purchasers.

    I imagine you can always ask prospective buyers, how long they have lived in a location and request current photos of the place. Contacts also help. I don't think it's nosey at all, to discover as much as possible, about someone who is purchasing a horse from you. Lizzie