hmmm, dunno about broccoli and I'm sure it freaked you out but at least it was a plant!! I know horses can eat a few different types of veggies and fruits. Mine pick blackberries off the wild bushes in the pasture every spring, they love 'em. They've been eating them for years with little problem. But, I've seen some big horses eat some very weird things with no ill effects. Trust me I was just as shocked as anyone can be when my gelding stole my BBQ hamburger right out my hands and actually ATE the whole thing! And was looking for more! I was able to save him from swallowing the wrapper but it was a near thing! I make sure I tie him up before I eat now! He also drinks lemonade, he is a bit of a thief, con artist, escapee, general pain in the ....
My childhood pony loved sour pickles and had snipped the tops off of many pine tree saplings once. My old mare's dam would eat whole watermelons, rind, seeds and all, and my uncle had a horse that would eat boiled crawfish, the entire crawfish, shell and all AND spicey hot boiled crawfish!
Glad to know he's not had any ill effects. They must have tasted good to him for him to eat that many!