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  1. Lizzie

    Roan foals

    Why do you not like this baby Renee? Is it just his colour, or something else? He looks as though he's probably a black/blue roan. I think he's lovely and would take him in a heartbeat. I didn't used to like roans, but in the last year or so, they have really grown on me. Do keep us posted on...
  2. Lizzie

    Queen Elizabeth's Horse Jubilee

    Sorry susanne, but it entirely escaped me, that you meant that as a term of endearment. Lizzie
  3. Lizzie

    Queen Elizabeth's Horse Jubilee

    I think she did enjoy seeing the Mounties. I was at a very grand birthday party years ago, for a wealthy individual and the Mounties were invited. It was very scary to see them all riding towards us, at a full gallop, during the celebration. They are truly amazing. Now, about Camilla. Explain...
  4. Lizzie

    Queen Elizabeth's Horse Jubilee

    I have a feeling, that with all of the wonderful Jubilee happenings this last week, this was the one the Queen liked best. It was certainly my favourite. Made me terribly homesick of course and not without tears. I know I shall watch it many times in the future. Thanks so much for sharing. Lizzie
  5. Lizzie

    advice needed -shelter dog &Minis&sheep

    OK. I understand your problem. I think then, I'd suggest training him to be absolutely solid on the 'stay'. This can easily be done in the house to begin with and then work on it outside, on a long line preferably, when outside doing chores. If he pulls on the lead, walk with him at heel. When...
  6. Lizzie

    advice needed -shelter dog &Minis&sheep

    Hi Bevann. Have you had this dog very long? How old was he when you got him? Do you know anything of his past home/s? Since he was in a shelter, I doubt he was very well educated (obedience trained) in his past. He obviously has a very high-prey instinct. The majority of dogs on the planet...
  7. Lizzie

    Put on your sunglasses... this one's LOUD!

    Congratulations. Super colt, built just the way I like 'em and a wonderful colour too. You hit the jackpot with this one. I'm green with envy. Lizzie
  8. Lizzie

    Name Ideas for BIG FLUFFY Puppy / Dog? Share, please...

    He's a lovely pup. How about Theophilus? His call name could be Theo. Years ago, I made friends with a big Turkey Vulture, whom I named that. I have several Welsh ancestors, by the same name. Lizzie
  9. Lizzie

    Breeding question

    I suppose Nathan, that whether inbreeding, linebreeding or outcrossing, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. We just have to start with the best, breed to the best and hope for the best. Lizzie
  10. Lizzie

    Breeding question

    Inbreeding or linebreeding (a more distant form of inbreeding) can be a very useful tool, for the breeder to set type. As Lewella said however, it should only be attempted by those who are incredibly knowledgeable of the horses used and those who will appear more often in the pedigree. This not...
  11. Lizzie

    Grosshills Chief Crazyhorse

    Oh my Genie. How pretty. Congrats on getting him back. Lizzie
  12. Lizzie

    Gelded stud bad attitude

    Years ago I owned a wonderful Foxtrotter stallion. He had a successful show career and was a perfect and quiet gentleman in any situation. He would trail ride with mares and never look at them. He was bred a few times but it didn't change his lovely nature. When he was about 10 or 12, I gelded...
  13. Lizzie

    Can pregnancy cause stifle lock symptoms??

    Maybe this would help explain it. I put this pic together, a long time ago, while trying to explain the same thing to someone in Gypsy Horses. You can see the difference between a straight rear and a well angulated one. Lizzie
  14. Lizzie

    Can pregnancy cause stifle lock symptoms??

    Kudos to you Countrymini, for the decision you have made. Problems in all animals, can almost always be eliminated, with responsible breeding practices. Do you know or have seen, the sire of the foal she carries? Hopefully, he has better rear angulation than your mare and the baby will not have...
  15. Lizzie

    Can pregnancy cause stifle lock symptoms??

    Thank you Disneyhorse! I firmly believe, that this is a conformation problem. It is a rampant problem in Minis and purely because of poor conformation. There are no excuses. It has been discussed here before and the consensus of opinion, is that no horse with locking stifles should be bred on...
  16. Lizzie

    Name suggestions for a red filly please

    Combine 'rouge' with any of the suggestions above, maybe. Lizzie
  17. Lizzie

    Registration look-up and Color Question

    I agree with Diane. We see it all the time in Gypsy Horses. Testing is the only true way to tell, just what colour our horses really are - and it's often quite different, from how they are expressed. Lizzie
  18. Lizzie

    eBay Vent/Head's up for sellers

    I agree MountainWoman. Being in the antiques trade years ago, we were one of the first to buy and sell on ebay. In those days, it was not filled with millions of cheap, China-made goods, but genuine used or antique items. We would never hear of scam artists, who knew how to get the goods and the...
  19. Lizzie

    New Filly Dwarf????

    Thanks for the info Parmela. I would think then, with this knowledge, John should easily be able to secure a grant, for further evaluation on the problem. Grants are given out for all sorts of ridiculous research these days. One for the study of dwarfism, would be in my mind, very important...
  20. Lizzie

    New Filly Dwarf????

    I'm a little 'thick' today, Parmela. So are you saying that there is indeed a blood test for this, maybe even though it is not available for the general population? If somebody confirmed dwarfism via the blood test done on your filly, then there must be a test for it, or am I way off in my...