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  1. littlesteppers


    How they got that we have programs right now in place where the government will help our retired military to make an adjustment and pays for schools for the civilian life..after all what chance has a sharp shooter in the job market..maybe assasin> drivers..a.s.o. many...
  2. littlesteppers


    Wonder what this will do to New Hampshires state motto..oh wait..change..yeah thats it!
  3. littlesteppers

    laptop question

    Sounds like your number lock is on./stuck??
  4. littlesteppers


    ALL the tax credits..(that he calls taxcuts) come with strings this and you get $$ foot!
  5. littlesteppers


    Trust me..I AM worried..
  6. littlesteppers


    It is impossible to keep up on where Obama always deopends on where and to whom he speaks..If all fails..just steal the opponents plan..Like he stole HILLARYs health plan..all of a sudden he is for offshore drilling?? My jaw hit the floor last night...
  7. littlesteppers

    Chuck Norris

    Here is Chuck Norris' brightly written guide to how we can stop being what he calls "One Nation, Divided, and Without a Clue," and once again become a nation that acknowledges our Creator, values human life, and honors and cares for the family -- a nation with secure borders, free from...
  8. littlesteppers

    Tax Payers Money Ouch!

    WHY?? Bcause if any DEMOCRAT says anything against a african american ..he/she is racist..Now you even racist if you don't vote for Obama..Yes it has been said Murtha..No surprise..a democrat.. I find this truly amazing that we now starting to judge people by the color of their I...
  9. littlesteppers

    "Share the Wealth"

    Ain't that the truth..maybe thats why I am so peed..I saw it before..I am a socialist refuge..
  10. littlesteppers

    Ohio BRUNNER..

    I really don't care if you REP or Dem..this should outrage anybody..If a rep would do it..I would be furious too..
  11. littlesteppers


    Did I say I have an explanation..??? I said I find it strange..geeee
  12. littlesteppers


    VERY logical..a rich man that supports a man that says we need to spread the wealth around?? Makes NO sense to me..maybe he is very patriotic.... yeah ..or he Loves to give his money away..first rich person I heard off supports 50 percent taxes..
  13. littlesteppers


    WHY would warren Buffet support Obama?? Obama is saying all the rich gonna pay out the butt..why would the richest man ever support him?? Somebody who can make the markets move at will..hmmmm....
  14. littlesteppers

    Tax Payers Money Ouch!

  15. littlesteppers

    "Share the Wealth"

    Another thing comes to you remember when Oprah "gave" all the pregnant woman a babyshower..for all the ladies with employed husbands, ft campbell..Oh they Loved her..until April following year..of cause she reported it as a tax the IRS came after each of the ladies...
  16. littlesteppers

    "Share the Wealth"

    Yes Simms is our number 3..I was bitng nails on these two games and did a little dance.. Now guess who is the only UNDEfeated team is??? Huh, huh?? LOL I know nothing about baseball or any other sport..But I just LOVE football..might be the tight pants? JK>>>LOL
  17. littlesteppers

    "Share the Wealth"

    We can put this down on our level too..right now the only people that buy horses are pretty wealthy..this helps I can buy maybe a more vitamins..tack..things I could not afford IF I had not sold a a sense we already spreading the wealth..
  18. littlesteppers

    Voters identifications..

    Cheaters will always be cheaters..maybe they will make a fake ID? Now there is a thought..BUT why make it wsy on them?
  19. littlesteppers

    "Share the Wealth"

    Americans are One off the most giving countrys in the world..NOBODY can say that americans have No compassion.. Coming from Germany (socialist country) I will tell you..Nobody will give to charity..Nobody will help anybody..I was amazed when I came over here..and the economy is like a
  20. littlesteppers

    Voters identifications..