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  1. littlesteppers

    What if Hillary got in instead of Obama?

    I have NO problem with Hillary running..I would feel a whole lot better..she has EXPERIENCE..and I believe her judgements are a lot more sound..
  2. littlesteppers

    Oil prices

    I believe it Leena..we are leased on to a big we get a percentage on One load that the consignee is willing to pay..Now we just got this percentage on heresay on the company..NO way to check it.. It went through congress now that the full fuel surcharge has to be visiable on the...
  3. littlesteppers

    Oil prices

    I understand what you are saying..BUT and its a big BUT (like mine ) I betcha the goods whatever it is was on a semi One time or another.. People always complain about the trucks ..anything you ever buy was on a truck one time or another.. Maybe they should just charge a flat delivery...
  4. littlesteppers

    Oil prices

    Well Gary..we finally got a hard push about these fuel surcharges..we had a strong leader in the DEMOCRATIC leader from Oregon neverless..DeFazio..soon it will get into law that the fuel surcharges have to be paid directly to the person that pays for the fuel..ain't that grande.. Many...
  5. littlesteppers

    Tax increase??????

    Weeell...I did check it and it was actually on forbes
  6. littlesteppers

    Tax increase??????

    Weeelll..I never saw a rich person doing their own taxes..I see a lot of rich people that have high cost accountents..
  7. littlesteppers

    Oil prices

    Yup..I am convinced now
  8. littlesteppers

    Palin is taking charge of the Senate

    Love your new signature CATHY!
  9. littlesteppers

    Oil prices

    No ..go travel..Obama said get you a Micro car in the last debate..
  10. littlesteppers

    Oil prices

    Yeah right..all these truckers just getting rich..have you looked lately what Diesel cost? Let me tell you we still pay a LOT more than the surcharge is..and I bet your fuel surcharge went down..
  11. littlesteppers

    Oil prices

    Yup thats a good way to get these prices right back up!!
  12. littlesteppers

    These Election Survey Calls are Ticking me OFF!!!

    We had a call for a political survey..I just started talking German..never heard this not discrimination??
  13. littlesteppers

    Palin is taking charge of the Senate

    Like your new signature Cathy
  14. littlesteppers

    Palin is taking charge of the Senate

    Ohmegosh..Ohmegosh... Not three times...she can't do it 3 times!! DARN
  15. littlesteppers

    Oil prices

    Weeelll..actually Opec said they are NOT sure if they will cut production
  16. littlesteppers

    Oil prices

    I believe this is better than a huge stimulus package..Now if the utility companies ,that upped all the energy cost (25 increase electric alone here in TN) would come down again..(will not happen But would be nice) we would have something..I believe that oil prices are a HUGE factor in this...
  17. littlesteppers

    A man that lived in my neighborhood

    Hmmm...NO..ML..I can't stand this
  18. littlesteppers

    A man that lived in my neighborhood

    This is just a very simple example..Obama is a baseball fan in Philly he roots for Philly to win..In florida he roots for the Rays..I find this unbelievable..BUT it don't matter what he says,..after all he is "THE One..well he is not MY One!
  19. littlesteppers

    When will the republicans learn..... soo right ..the dems are soo classy..saying a candidate running for president wears depends..calling people raceists in some particular states, have 9 year olds on the web telling LIES..Now there is class!
  20. littlesteppers

    Colin Powells' disturbing comments

    No Appy..he is talking about ..this is BIDEN..just curious they BOTH saying just about the same thing.. A Major International Crisis Due to Obama's Inexperience, Because the World is Going To Test Us Here is the Biden video