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  1. littlesteppers

    Poor Joe..

    Well..if you smart it shows you what the future holds..I heard of 2 Obama supporters taking another hard Look at the man..good for them!
  2. littlesteppers

    Poor Joe..

    well not an opinion..but the WRONG opinion..
  3. littlesteppers

    Ohio election

    OMG Susanne.I just fell off my chair you do what? AGREE?? Now I got a hurt arm..from the fall..I see a lawsuit coming!
  4. littlesteppers

    Ohio election

  5. littlesteppers

    Ohio election

    Good for you!! I think people should let their elected offials know how they feel..instead of cuss'n in the livng room! Its good for the soul!! Not saying cuss at them..just let them know in a respectful way!! (IF any possible ) I also feel that this will/could effect ALL americans..No...
  6. littlesteppers


    See how accurate these polls are..just pick what you like and run with it.. :arg!
  7. littlesteppers

    Ohio election

    I am not an ohioan (is that right?) BUT I like a clean I just wrote a little letter to Brunner..maybe you like to let her now how YOU feel? Prob not..But somebody just might..
  8. littlesteppers

    Dinner last night..

    McCain was talking with such a straight face,..even Hillary "lost it" soo funny..wonder if they brought this on regular tv how many VOTERS would even understand what was going on..
  9. littlesteppers

    A link, A video, and a Question
  10. littlesteppers

    A link, A video, and a Question

    Yeah..who cares..illigal or not..we will vote for him anyways!!
  11. littlesteppers

    Dinner last night..

    Did anybody see/hear their speeches last night..OMG..toooo funny! rofl
  12. littlesteppers

    More lies from McCain

    UHOH..Fight..stand up and fight!! I was wondering just how many on here that don't agree with their countrys government/ policy makes their voices heard? We are constantly bugging out rep..and if Canada is not happy with the free trade..tell your whoever it is you tell..
  13. littlesteppers

    More lies from McCain

    Wellll...there..Praise the LORD..we ALL can vote and some are actually well informed..Not just going by websites..I have been following this circus from the beginning..and IF I hear I lie..or a inconsistancy I KNOW it.. I am just so glad that Obambi finally cleared up he was not born in a...
  14. littlesteppers

    "Share the Wealth"

    Lets be fair ..Biden gave 369 dollars a year..on average.. 2007 Joseph R. and Jill T. Biden joint tax return Total income: $319,853 ($71,000 income from royalties from his book; $66,546 - Jill Biden's teaching job; $20,500 - Joe Biden's teaching job; $161,708 - Joe Biden's Senate salary)...
  15. littlesteppers

    Tax Payers Money Ouch!

    Oh miss spelled MCCAIN..Obambi is not gonna like that!
  16. littlesteppers


    DRILL, Baby Drill!! Mine Baby MINE Sorry Crabby..
  17. littlesteppers

    Why won't Obama reach across the aisle?

    Smitten??? dictionary results for: smitten Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source - Share This smit·ten /ˈsmɪtn/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[smit-n] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation –adjective 1. struck, as with a hard blow. 2. grievously or...
  18. littlesteppers

    Chuck Norris

    Chuck is a firm supporter of Huckabee..FLAT taxes and bring the 13 tillion from offshore accounts "home" Did you see his tshirt a while back? Made me laugh.. it sayed :" When Chuck is doing pushups..he is not pushing himself UP..he is pushing the earth down"
  19. littlesteppers


    We (ft campbell) expecting 125 000 coming home soon..we are soo proud of our man and woman..they will come home in HONOR HUA!!