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  1. M

    help find Buttons

    Melinda, we are so happy and relieved to hear all horses are accounted for and alive. The damage in the pictures looks horrible and I am just amazed that no one was killed. Assuming your parents place didn't get hit like yours did?? We will keep sending thoughts and prayers that your injured...
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    help find Buttons

    Oh no! I just saw Melinda at the Area VI show over the 4th of july. How terrible, I sure hope they find Buttons..... The storms were terrible the last couple of weeks. Come home buttons
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    Whew, what a day!

    Its amazing how many things can be attributed to bad teeth or a sore mouth. Long story short, my 52 year old husband lost his job of 28 years in Jan and spent two weeks in Idaho out at equine dentistry school. Learned alot and we have more than one horse who was so happy after they got their...
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    Update on filly with broken leg

    He did do a great job with the cast. First 8-10 days, she took it pretty easy and laid around alot but the last week, she is more active and uses it like a crutch. She was particularly silly last night because we had our 3 1/2 year old grandson out and you know how those babies like to impress...
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    Update on filly with broken leg

    Not quite 3 weeks ago, I posted about our little 9 week old filly that broke her front leg. She is doing fantastic. We had the vet out this past week to look at changing the cast (at the two week mark) and he declined to do it. Said there were no spots rubbing and the cast wasn't moving or too...
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    Purina's 60 day challenge - 1/2 way thru

    We switched to the Mini Horse and Pony food about 6 months ago and have also had great results. The brood mares and our 3+ year old show horses are getting this feed and we swear by it.
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    Broken leg in 9 week old filly

    Others have recommended that too. We will keep an eye on it and see what the vet thinks we should doo. Thanks!
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    Broken leg in 9 week old filly

    Too funny, Buckeroo is Cher's great, great grandfather.....of course that could probably be said of about 75% of the minis out there
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    Broken leg in 9 week old filly

    Yes, I have heard there could be some issues with the skin, particularly if it gets wet or wears on the cast. She still had most of her baby coat on the leg, so I would assume that provides some kind of padding. Someone suggested to me that they would redo the cast in two weeks, but I am...
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    Broken leg in 9 week old filly

    Thanks Barbie, I may take you up on that. I appreciate you sharing your story as it sounds like your little one had a WAAAAYYYY worse situation than ours, so it really increases my hope.
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    Broken leg in 9 week old filly

    Yes, she is the one in the lower left-hand corner, raccoony looking eyes. And she is one of the "twins" in the other pic. She is out of Charlotte who is out of Kiss who is our ARC mare...your line....ha ha
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    Broken leg in 9 week old filly

    Thanks Amanada. If a stallion can do it, then Cher can too. She's the one on the latest MMHC cover. I was just out playing with her and she seems OK. Ramona told me to watch out cuz minis have a way of working things and she will end up being the biggest diva on the place. Already, when I...
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    Broken leg in 9 week old filly

    We don't know how she did it, but monday afternoon we noticed Cher limping and sure enough, she had broken her front leg about 2 inches below the knee. Had been in the pasture running with everyone else like she had been for the last 8 weeks!! Anyway, we were preparing to have to put her down...
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    Upcoming Shows in Minnesota

    Wow, well congratulations. I didn't start showing until about 4 years ago, so I am relative newbie..... Good luck with the pregnancy. Always fun to be pregnant in the summer.....
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    Upcoming Shows in Minnesota

    Ashley, if I can figure out who you are, I will introduce myself.....LOL. I will be working the gate most of both weekends, so you know where to find me.....
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    Upcoming Shows in Minnesota

    Hopefully you can come this year! Remember, we are a great half way spot if you need to do the trip in a couple of days!!
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    Upcoming Shows in Minnesota

    Hi Everyone: The MMHC is again sponsoring the National Area VI ASPC/AMHR show July 1-3 at the beautiful Minnesota Equestrian Center in Winona, MN. Judge is Richard Petty with Jeanne Bragagnini as the Show Manager and Dean Duxbury as the Steward. Tack, concessions, photograghy and camping all...
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    Maiden Mare - Foaled

    Our maiden mare gave birth to healthy little filly a couple of hours ago. Problem free birth, baby active, mama active but, she doesn't have much of a bag. She was about a week early on the foaling and we were able to express a little bit of lightly yellowish tinged clearish liquid that is not...
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    Fab $5 Performance Classic

    Hi all, I will soon have the show bill/premiums out on the MN, the SE wisconsin and the SD websites. And, if anyone wants me to email or send one to them, please email me at [email protected]. This is my first experience managing a show, but I am just helping Mary and Bob get something...
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    chocolate dapples

    We have the quintessential looking chocolate dapple horse and when we finally tested him, he was OHMT pointed out, smokey silver black. To the eye he i chocolate or almost a seal brown. His body will dapple a little in the sun or when he is in tip top shape.