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  1. F

    Unbeleivable!!!! Judge says Champ can go back to people who starved him!

    I haven't been through all the comments on this but this is just disgusting! It's deplorable that the judge would even remotely think that this was ok. Protecting their "own" or not... This is WRONG! I'll call today!
  2. F

    How many foals are you expecting for 2011?

    We have 4 mares hopefully in foal for next year, 1 with our perlino stud, 1 with our donkey jack for a mule and 2 with our black stud who just started breeding this year.
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    Question for Chicken keepers.......

    We have 30+ layers right now. You've been giving a lot of good information about the hens. When we collect eggs we bring them in the house, wipe the outside of the egg with just water on a paper towel. I fold it into four and use only one quadrant per egg and then throw it when I've used the...
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    We're covered under American Family with a Farm and Ranch policy.
  5. F

    Why do people wean mini's at 4 months ?

    We wean around 4 months old. We make sure that the babies are eating just fine on their own and that they're OK being without mom and that mom is OK being without them. We also go cold turkey with weaning. We have yet to have a mare or a foal that has a fit about weaning or can't be weaned at...
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    Health and coggins in selling a horse

    With our horses, we don't sell them quick enough to have coggins pulled on all that are for sale. If we pulled coggins on all of the horses we have for sale it'd be about $400 (about $30 per horse!) with the farm call. So in our case it's the buyer's bill for coggins and health certificate if...
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    wanna have a fattest horse contest?

    He looks like he's about the same weight that Rebel is and their the same weight.
  8. F

    Question for pygmy goat Owners

    If they are sustaining their weight and don't have kids on them, we only feed hay. If they need a little extra or have kids, we either feed them a sheep feed (since we have goats and sheep and the sheep can't have any copper) or we do straight rolled oats.
  9. F

    Recommend treatment for scratches.

    We had the best luck with washing it good and putting desitin on it... Yup, diaper rash ointment!
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    big horse question

    Personally, I'd start him on some probiotics and see how he's doing in a week on them. I know they sell bigger containers of powdered probiotics at Tractor supply or maybe at the feed store... Around here I get them at Feet Farm. If you get the powder you can put it on his grain instead of...
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    Send me the pic too please, [email protected]
  12. F

    Who is following the Kyron Horman case

    This is just horrible... I've been following it a little bit. I hope they find him and whoever did whatever they did to him pays for their actions.
  13. F

    Please share your experiences with choke in foals

    We just had a 3 week old foal choke last weekend. The vet gave him oxcytocin and tubed him... Didn't work so we waited a couple hours to see if the blockage dislodged itself. Nope, sedated and tubed him again... Worked that time. Still had effects of choke the next day... Vet gave him more...
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    Natural ways to induce labor

    Speaking from experience with "over due" babies, 42 weeks is truly over due. Inductions happen a lot of times too soon and end up in c-sections due to one complication or another. Baby will come when he's ready and not before. My first was a 26 weeker and spend 15.5 weeks in the NICU, second...
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    Tarot Card Readers

    I do readings but mainly for others. I will look at my book in a bit for you.
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    Need help naming a colt...

    My mom finally decided to name him LBS Dark Indulgence and call him Indy. We have one more Cazz foal coming though!!! I'm betting that even though the color calculator says buckskin is the greatest chance that we'll end up with a smokey black for the hat trick! Thank you everyone for the...
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    weaning time

    We go cold turkey at 4-5 months depending on the foal.
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    Kasey - CALL YOUR MOM and tell her what's going on! I bet you anything that her and your dad will come and help you move home! I'm going to be point blank here, STOP MAKING EXCUSES FOR NOT GETTING OUT OF THERE AND PROTECTING YOURSELF! Call your mom asap!
  19. F

    restless leg syndrom

    The other thing that you can try is seeing a chiropractor. If my back is out of alignment just enough, I get RLS too. After seeing the chiropractor it usually goes away.
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    Kasey, I've been there, done that, bought that t-shirt with my ex. darn near same situation minus the horses and living with his parents. I was stupid enough to marry him and ended up pregnant. My ex told me to end the pregnancy and when I refused, he put his foot through our bathroom door...