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  1. F

    Prayers please

    Lots of thoughts and prayers are with you!
  2. F

    At what age do you let you stallion have his first mare

    We wait till 3 for both mares and stallions.
  3. F

    People say they are cutting back on breeding?

    We started with minis in 2006. Bred our first one in 2007, have had 6 foals - 1 of which was bred for with us... the others have been purchased in foal or sent out for breeding. We still have all 6 foals in our ownership. We have 1 possibly bred for next year to an appy stud that we purchased...
  4. F

    Think good thoughts for us........

    Lots of thoughts and prayers for you and Lori and Emma!!!! Hopefully Lori will get this new job! I know how stressful everything can be when someone is laid off permanently, my hus just lost his job today!
  5. F

    NEW Verizon BlackBerry Storm

    The freezing could be caused by the facebook application on the device... my blackberry was doing the same thing. It ended up being the facebook app, I had to remove the app and reboot the phone. It's been fine since and the phone re-downloaded the app.
  6. F

    update on baby

    Beautiful name, I LOVE the ultrasound pics!!!
  7. F

    Prayers needed for Lisa(Runaway Ranch)

    I've tried to make sense of this since Thursday when Donna called... Nik was called home way too soon! I just don't know what to say Lisa. We all love Nik, he was wonderful, loving person! If there is anything you need just let us know... Jason and I are more than happy to help you out in any...
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    How far can you go back in time?

    Me with my first horse, Lewi, a 2 year old Arab gelding (ETA: 1986, I was just 3)
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    I'd love to do it but it's only for PCs and I own nothing but Macs...
  10. F

    Gas Prices....

    $2.09 is what we paid last night!
  11. F


    Bonnie - I am so sorry... I'm glad that he isn't in pain any longer! Many thoughts, prayers and healing light being sent your way!
  12. F

    Someone trying to block Dem. voters in VA

    This whole thing is getting out of hand! In my opinion it's a bunch of BS that people have to slam the candidate that they're not voting for and that people are getting SO underhanded! HOPEFULLY all of this crap will end on November 5th when it's KNOWN who our next president is! Until then...
  13. F

    Obamas Grandmother.

    Well said Sunny and Laura! It is my opinion that the American public should not criticize how Obama has chosen how to handle this situation. If he would've dropped everything and ran to his Grandmother's side there would've been numerous people (including on this forum) who would've taken that...
  14. F

    Pot Bellied pigs and Fainting goes

    Marnie, our pot bellied pigs have never been mean toward our fainter kids. They actually tend to stay clear of the kids.
  15. F

    Would you let your child/relative be babysat

    As Ashley said, if the person came to my house and understood 150% that said molester was NOT allowed anywhere near my children, fine. I would NOT allow my children be anywhere near an accused molester at all, it's just asking for trouble IMO.
  16. F

    How does he look for weight????

    Ashley- if it were me I'd get some more weight on him before winter. He doesn't look too thin but thinner than I'd like for going into our winters. Maybe add some red cell and oil to his feed at least.... maybe senior feed would help too...
  17. F

    Divorce and getting your ducks in a row

    It took my divorce 18 months to be done... he wasn't very compliant with trying to get it done and over with!
  18. F

    Bonnie Fogg

    Prayers for Larry and Bonnie!
  19. F

    Let's start a warm, fuzzy family topic

    Great idea Marnie!!! I have 2 boys. Robbie is 4-years-old (will be 5 on the 26th), he was my preemie... We had a huge up-hill battle just to get him to stay alive those first few weeks. Robbie has a pretty morbid sense of humor, he LOVES halloween and loves to watch Discovery channel. Robbie...
  20. F

    Does anyone else have pygmy goats?

    Erika - Email Lisa Judd she's had at least one kid that she's hand raised... She may be able to help you!!! KUP!