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  1. MyBarakah

    My husband Mark's paintings.

    HOLLY COW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I only WISH I could ever be as talanted as you & your husband! WOW!!!!!!! That is phenominal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Outstanding!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you guys are making a living doing this?????????????
  2. MyBarakah

    Had a Great Centrals Show too!

    Thanks everyone! Was a very FUN and great show! I'm very ansious & excited to go to Worlds! Will be my first time going to Worlds.... I've wanted to go the past 2 years!! I've gone to Nationals twice now... so long time coming to get down to Worlds! Can't wait!!
  3. MyBarakah

    Centrals 2009

    CONGRATE'S!!!!!!!! I Love that little horses! I didn't get to stay to watch you show him..... but knew he would do good!! So happy for you!!
  4. MyBarakah

    Need Your Advice

    Hi! Well...... Since to me it's "all" in my fed to get mine to look they way they do........But hearing what you wrote.... 2 things come to mind...... For one I would give them beet pulp..... and teeth would also be another thing I would have checked out....... But beet pulp is a "major" thing...
  5. MyBarakah

    Had a Great Centrals Show too!

    Hi everyone! Well....... with every one elses great wins I also just had to share the excitment! It was a great Centrals show! I got to meet some very nice cool people there! I had a blast and was great to see all my horsey friends too! I can't wait to get my drop back photos and Liz got...
  6. MyBarakah

    2009 Centrals

    Congrate's Angela! Yeah... I stalled right next to her! So I got to see allot of Angela & her boys..... and help with Dukey Due's stall escape captures....... lol...... Glad you had a good show!
  7. MyBarakah

    My best Centrals ever!

    Hi Peggy! Yeah..... you had a good Centrals! Glad I could help you in Liberty! I think you placed one over me? Out of 27 horses in Liberty didn't you get 7th? I took 8th with Chico? Your mare was awesome!! Had a great time down there! See you at worlds!
  8. MyBarakah

    New Stallion and Questions

    I 2nd that that he looks like a silver bay to me also! I have one here that is registered Sorrel the "exact" same color.....but you can deffineately tell with this guy he's a silver bay.....
  9. MyBarakah

    Thank You to Little King Farm and the Eberths

    Congrate's Parm!! HOW COOL!!!!!!!! I am so envious!! I "some day" SO WANT to go to Little King Farm!! I would LOVE to have attended that siminar!! How cool!!! "some day"......... Congrate's on winning the breeding!! That is too cool!!
  10. MyBarakah

    trotting over poles

    I would need to see a photo of her first to know.....but in my experince with showing MOST of it is ALL in the feed and what you are feeding that horse. What you feed is the main thing in how a miniature horse looks physically. My show horses (from yearlings to 7yr.old) from looking at them...
  11. MyBarakah

    What do you use to kill weeds? (in pasture)

    The easiest way with out using chemicals is to have the pasture mowed. That will get allot of the weeds. I have my step-dad come in with his tractor & shredder and he mows it all..... it also looks very nice too!
  12. MyBarakah

    Which photo do you think would be a calander shot??

    Hi everyone!!!!! I got some help taking photos of my 2 boys, Cole, the black colt, born on April 23rd and Gordy (silver dapple), Born on May 1st.... Peg and her daughter Ashley Zahoruek came and helped me! Cole is Mr.Dramatic!! He will be the Liberty "All-around" guy.... and has THEEEE...
  13. MyBarakah

    some pics from around home

    I SOOOOOOOOOO Love your photos!!!!! WOW! I SURE wish you lived closer!!!!!!!!! I would SO love to have you take photos for me!!!! You are SOOOOOO talanted!!!! Great PHOTOS!!
  14. MyBarakah

    Last Foal of the year! 4th of July Baby!!

    Thanks guys! My camera, I love it.. it's a Nikon D70 with a 400 ml lens...... It does GREAT with outside shots..... I really takes a computer course to learn how to run it.... I just keep it on "automatic"...... and just put my finger on the button! loL! Yes..... Lollipop is amazing for...
  15. MyBarakah

    Last Foal of the year! 4th of July Baby!!

    Hi Everyone! Well....... This this is the last foal for me. I co-own this mare with Marcy Barber from Windhaven farm (Lucky Four Lollipop). She is 22 yrs. young this year!! She does NOT show her age! Of course she's well cared for also! I so love this mare! I own a daughter out of...
  16. MyBarakah

    National Area 6 show

    Congrate's on your show! I love that grey stallion!! He is very nice!
  17. MyBarakah

    WHOO WHOO ! Finally I had a Photo Shoot !!!!

    OMG!!!!!!!!! Those are just TOTALLY AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE THEM! Sandy did SUCH a out standing job!!! I love taking photos.... Sandy I LOVE your work! You SO capture that moment and turn those photos into art!! Love them! I wish I could get a photo shoot with my horses!!
  18. MyBarakah

    Ozark Mtn Georgia Girl

    Oh......... I'm SO SORRY!!!!!!!!!! How horrible!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm SO sorry for your loss........
  19. MyBarakah

    I feel like I won the lottery!!!

    Thanks Guys!!