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  1. J

    Comment by 'jegray21' in media 'Dream Girl'

    she is so pretty! great pics of her ; )
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    Pics of collection and extension

    Trot poles are can raise them a little to teach the horse to articulate the joints and get better overall movement and suspension. I always love lots of transitions on a circle...lengthen trot, collect trot, then all over again...I usually only do three or four strides of each so the...
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    Pics of collection and extension

    Awesome pics Leia! The canter transition is a good example of the horse sitting behind, dropping in the croup. I would say that its not a collected trot but defiantly a moment of collection... here are a few more of ace but in the long is is still learning and developing but he is...
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    Pics of collection and extension

    this is aces learning to collect...beginning of his training... here is is learning to extend...its just a lengthening trot at this point....
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    Another Legend passes on

    I am sorry for you loss. We will look at the clouds today and remember your boy : )
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    Stallion NOT interested in mare!!

    Natural selection? Maybe..
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    gainesville ga..anyone near here?

    We are thinking about moving to gainesville ga...anyone with minis live near here? just looking for some other mini fans : ) close by...
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    R.I.P. Ravenwood Medalions Royalty

    I am so sorry for your loss : (
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    thinking about moving to gainesville ga...

    We are thinking about moving farther north in ga...just wondering if anyone on here is anywhere gainseville ga...looking for some mini friends!
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    Jingles for my stallion, Royal, please

    so sorry to hear that..sending my best wishes to you and your stallion : (
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    Another color question...

    that makes sense...if he is mostly white with dark gray paint markings on chest and under belly..he definitely has a bald face..
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    Another color question...

    We were at a show this past weekend and someone asked me if my two year old was a pale faced paint...I am very bad with color and have never heard of this...what is a pale faced paint..I will try to post pics of him so maybe someone can tell me what color he his...
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    Western NC Ag Center, McGough Arena, Fletcher NC

    Are the entry forms for the Western NC Ag Center, McGough Arena, Fletcher NC show available yet?
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    Off to Area 3 Nationals we go...!

    Hi! I met you at the show! It was fun talking with glad she did well she is soooo pretty! mine are all sleeping and so tired but I do think maybe they had fun...hopefully someone will answer the hallow question, same thing happened to us : ( . Honestly she was still very pretty though i...
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    OMG! What an awesome guy! His markings are incredible : )
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    UPDATED: Diagnose my horse

    I agree upper respiratory infection or allergies. My yearling was doing this and we ran every test possiable and finally changed is bedding to a different kind of shavings..he is fine now...
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    Lost a foal:(

    I am so sorry for you loss : ( best wishes on the foal coming up!