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  1. J

    Horse Cost Calculator

    won't catch me doing anything with this calculator! Lol I prefer to just stay in denial...
  2. J

    Devastated- We lost mom & foal

    so sorry for your loss. your daughter is in my prayers...
  3. J

    HDT in April at Gilcrest Farm SC

    Don't rush them to grow up! I felt the same way...Ace is five and my other two are now three...Baby looks totally different this year! He is finally growing into himself...kinda miss when they were little : ( but glad I did all that ground work!!!
  4. J

    HDT in April at Gilcrest Farm SC

    We are planning on going to the one in May too! I watched it last year and it looked like a lot of fun!
  5. J

    so excited! I ordered my cart!

    I will post pics...I ordered the wooden dash and rein rail. He was very easy to work with!
  6. J

    HDT in April at Gilcrest Farm SC

    Has anyone ever driven in this event or at this of their events? I am looking to try to make it to the April one...
  7. J

    New Pair Pictures

    So cool!
  8. J

    Koda wears his Harness

    So handsome!
  9. J

    so excited! I ordered my cart!

    K I ordered the G & S trail cart! Should be here in three weeks! See how we like it..will let you know what I think when it gets here! Anything is an improvement from the one they are used to for sure
  10. J

    2011 National Drive

    Thanks for posting! I think we are going to try to make this one...sounds fun!
  11. J

    Does anyone have a list of must have for a CDE show?

    So I have my big horse show list...and miniature horse halter class list..but have no idea what to bring to a HDT. We are going to try our first one in April! Does anyone have a list that they want to share?
  12. J

    Which cart would you choose ?

    Great info thank you! I am going with the trail cart with the wooden dash added. I would love the bellcrown but it is just too much more money for this time around...Pretty sure black is the way to go this time. Does a darker stain wood go ok with a chestnut? I doubt this will be the only cart I...
  13. J

    Which cart would you choose ?

    that was a big help...I think because of shipping the G&S is going to be a better choice. I am going to go with the trail cart. now colors! geeze and I thought saving the money for the cart was the hard part..
  14. J

    Which cart would you choose ?

    I have three ready for training level cde later this year...I have a training cart but I need a cart I can use at the shows. they are 32" 33" 35" I have around 1,000.00 to spend and just can not decide where to go with it! I have read a lot of the threads and can't seem to make up my mind. Ahhh...
  15. J

    Which cart would you choose ?

    If you could buy a meadow brook or a G & S trail cart which one would you get? Thanks!
  16. J

    Show carts, have you ever gone with colors against the norm?

    Ace is kinda the same color as Kody...can I get a dark green and have it match my mostly white horses too? or just go with black?
  17. J

    So excited!

    Yea! can't wait to see pics!
  18. J


    wonder how this went on for so long...heart breaking...were they abandoned?
  19. J

    First foal of the year ...

    I'm so sorry for your loss : (