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  1. M

    New Photos

    Ohmigod! She's drop-dead GORGEOUS! Congratulations! Ta, shirlee
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    Just head from a BOD member

    Hi Amber: Thanks for the correction -- just when I think I have my facts straight, I manage to add more confusion to an already confused issue. Aaarrgh. Ta, Shirlee
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    Just head from a BOD member

    Hi All: I'll be repeating some things that others have said and I apologize. Some misconceptions: The A/B thing has nothing to do with AMHR; nor anything to do with the height of Foundation type ponies. It is strictly to do with A/B designation on Shetland papers. Also, a currently...
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    Filly Fairy released from AR

    Congratulations Sharron! Can't wait to see pics. Bet she's just beautiful! Ta, Shirlee
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    Filly Fairy in OK too!

    What a little doll baby! How can you leave her in the barn? I've have her cuddled up in bed with me. Looking forward to dried off pix. Congrats! Ta, Shirlee
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    We Stole the Filly Fairy

    Ooooh! On the ground already and beautiful! Unfair! Congrats. Gorgeous little foals. Ta, Shirlee
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    Purpose of Mini/Shetland cross?

    Hi: I'm not really the one to speak up on this topic, but I think the reason the Shetland/Mini cross is made is because the Shetland has something to offer the Mini (more refinement, better trot) and the hope is that the offpsring will stay small enough to hardship (at 3rd birthday) into...
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    Foaling season has

    Oh, lucky you! Our first foals don't start arriving until the end of May. Looking forward to seeing pictures of what sounds like a real looker. Congratulations. Ta, Shirlee PS. You should have known she'd foal in the rain and in the muddest place around :-) I think they stand in the...
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    A couple new purchases for me

    Oh, my, God! What a gorgeous line up! And that's in winter fuzzies. Come spring they're gonna be even more of a knock out. Congratulations. Great stock. Ta, Shirlee
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    Ok Leeana

    Hi Jennifer: Rough? Just out of the pasture? Gee, I wish mine looked like that just out of the pasture! Lovely mare! Congratulations! What's her breeding? Ta, Shirlee
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    ooh Disneyhorse

    Hi: Congratulations! We thought long and hard about her, but in the end decided we had too many ponies. So glad you bought her and that she and her sure-to-be-awesome foal are staying in Ca. Ta, Shirlee
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    MooseMeadow Shetlands

    Hi All: I have always loved the Moose Meadow ponies. Rebecca can tell you that I whined and pleaded and begged for her to sell me To-A Te for years before I realized it wasn't ever gonna happen. We bought a Moose Meadow daughter several years ago. Moose Meadow Te-for-Two and like several of...
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    All Star Awards...

    Hi: Something screwy is sure going on. Our yearling stallion, who does not drive and was only shown in halter classes, came in 7th (I think) in the Draft Driving Classes! Quite an accomplishment. Unfortunately, these results sure do make you wonder what ELSE is screwed up and how accurate...
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    Shetland stud Lucky Onyx

    Hi: Lucky's in OR. I've been in touch with the owner. She loves him. Bred him to her Shetland mare for foal this year (maybe last year, too, can't remember) and plans to breed him this year to a lovely filly she bought from Diane Zmolek of Overlook Farm. He sired a colt (which has been...
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    Hi: Just to confirm Lewella's post. Georgetown's Music Man is indeed owned by Wayne Booker. If you look in the Breeders Directory, at the back of the Journal, in Georgia, there is a picture of him (Music Man, not Wayne). Wayne is a super guy though. Fun to talk to. Used to be a Director...
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    When does your 2008 foaling season begin?

    Hi All: Our first foal isn't due until around the 23rd of May and the last one due, I think June 13th. Only 5 this year and since one of them will be 26 have my fingers crossed old Star produces. I've heard tales of mares foaling into their 30's but I dunno.... Ta, Shirlee
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    Nefertiti update

    Good, GOOD news! I just love happy endings. Ta, Shirlee
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    Questions on Patches pedigree

    Hi: It's basic 8th grade math (maybe 5th grade these days). The NUMBER of B's doesn't matter. It's the degree of B = 1/2 or 1/4 that determines whether or not the resulting offspring will be A or B. A 1/4 B bred to a straight A, will always produce an A, since the parents can only send one...
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    New Modern... she's HERE!!!

    Hi: Congratulations! Bruce is the best and has some of the prettiest stock around. Your girl is just flat out gorgeous! Ta, Shirlee
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    Can you spare some good thoughts?

    Hi: So thrilled for you that Patches is doing A-Okay. We had a mare, years ago, have a bad reaction to that same shot and our vet told us to NEVER give her that type of shot again. Some mares are just simply allergic to the shot. So very glad that you had a good outcome. So did we. Ta, Shirlee