We are expecting our first Pour the Wine foals in 2008, we bred him to our best Modern/Modern Pleasure mares...can hardly wait to see his babies...3 from Hidden Image FMF, hoping for a filly from McCall's Roxie Cody, as she has given us 3 colts in a row, time for a girl, and if it she half as good as the 3 Reserve Champion Congress winners, we will have hit the jack pot!. Butterbean our triple registered boy (ASPC/AMHR/AMHA) is also expecting several children 2 ASPC foals, one AMHA/AMHR registered baby, and 3 AMHR only foals...wondering if he will produce another pure white this year...Our mares start with 2 Butterbean foals in February, then Image and Wine foals in March, and the rest in April by Butterbean.
Our mares foal out in the pasture unless it is cold and rainey, or the temps are below freezing, the way nature intended. Even those born in February! We have had the most trouble with birthing problems, and lost foals by keeping our mares in the barn 24/7.
We have a new "boy" to use in 2008, his name is Ken-Mar's Joker. and is double Dun-Haven's Grand Performance. He should compliment our mare band and cross well on our Modern/modern Pleasure Image mares...and our Pour the Wine fillies when old enough.
Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas, and Happy New year...and a safe foaling season.